9-custom-pages.md 2.0 KB

Custom Pages

Although it's nice to be able to register resources, sometimes you need a non resourceful page in your application. Active Admin supports the generation of custom pages using the same familiar syntax available for resources.

Create a new Page

Creating a page is a simple as calling the register_page method:

ActiveAdmin.register_page "My Page" do
  content do
    para "Hello World"

In the above example, a new page will be created at /admin/my_page with the title "My Page" and the content of "Hello World". Anything rendered within the #content block will be set in the main content area of the page.

Page Title & I18n

Coming soon...

Customize the Menu

The menu item is available to customize just like in any other resource in Active Admin:

ActiveAdmin.register_page "My Page" do
  menu :label => "My Menu Item Label", :parent => "Dashboard"

  content do
    para "Hello World"

This configuration will add the page to the menu with the label "My Menu Item Label" and will nest it underneath the "Dashboard" link.

To view the full list of available menu options visit (Resource Customization)

Add a Sidebar Section

You can add sidebar sections to your pages using the same DSL as other resources in Active Admin:

ActiveAdmin.register_page "My Page" do

  sidebar :help do
    ul do
      li "First Line of Help"

  content do
    para "Hello World"

This configuration creates a sidebar section named "Help" with an unordered list in it.

To view the full list of available sidebar section options visit (Sidebars)

Add an Action Item

Just like other resources, you can add Action Item's to pages:

ActiveAdmin.register_page "My Page" do

  action_item do
    link_to "View Site", "/"

  content do
    para "Hello World"

This configuration adds an action item that links to the root URL of the application.