7-sidebars.md 1.2 KB

Sidebar Sections

To add a sidebar section to all the screen within a section, use the sidebar method:

sidebar :help do
  "Need help? Email us at help@example.com"

This will generate a sidebar section on each screen of the resource. With the block as the contents of the section. The first argument is the section title.

You can also use Arbre syntax to define the content.

sidebar :help do
  ul do
    li "Second List First Item"
    li "Second List Second Item"

Sidebar sections can be rendered on a specific action by using the :only or :except options.

sidebar :help, :only => :index do
  "Need help? Email us at help@example.com"

If you want to conditionally display a sidebar section, use the :if option and pass it a proc which will be rendered within the context of the view.

sidebar :help, :if => proc{ current_admin_user.super_admin? }
  "Only for super admins!"

If you only pass a symbol, Active Admin will attempt to locate a partial to render.

# Will render app/views/admin/posts/_help_sidebar.html.erb
sidebar :help

Or you can pass your own custom partial to render.

sidebar :help, :partial => "custom_help_partial"