mvd.lua 13 KB

  1. --[[
  2. LUA MVD script for the extended hifi-q2admin (
  3. ------------------------------
  4. Copyright (C) 2012 Paul Klumpp
  5. This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
  6. it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
  7. the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
  8. (at your option) any later version.
  9. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
  10. but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
  12. GNU General Public License for more details.
  13. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
  14. along with this program. If not, see <>.
  15. ------------------------------
  16. Function:
  17. Automatically starts recording of Q2Pro Multi View Demos within the Action Quake2 - TNG Mod when match starts.
  18. It also deletes the mvd-file if match countdown failed.
  19. Fully working initial version by Paul Klumpp, 2012-11-12
  20. Please record your big changes here and increase version number:
  21. 1.6: ability to give cvars as parameters to the exec_script
  22. 1.5: exchanged all "say" with bprintf or dprintf
  23. 1.4: added round_state check, added whether a cvar "q2a_mvd_autorecord" needs to be set so the recording happens runs (for lrcon usage)
  24. 1.3: added "exec_script_on_system_after_recording" for config.lua. BE CAREFUL with those shellscripts!
  25. 1.2: Checks for (Action Quake 2 and sv_mvd_enable != 0). And added useful mvd defaults for scoreboard
  26. 1.1: Even works on aq2-tng public teamplay mode now
  27. 1.0: All working on aq2-tng matchmode
  28. 0.9: Last Debug
  29. config.lua example, with all options:
  30. ------------------------------
  31. plugins = {
  32. some_other_plugin = {
  33. blah = "blah"
  34. },
  35. mvd = {
  36. mvd_webby = '',
  37. exec_script_on_system_after_recording = '/home/gameservers/quake2/plugins/',
  38. exec_script_cvars_as_parameters = {"q2a_mvd_file", "game", "hostname"},
  39. needs_cvar_q2a_mvd_autorecord = false
  40. }
  41. }
  42. ------------------------------
  43. !! Notice the "," in front of "mvd = {"
  44. --]]
  45. local game = gi.cvar("game", "").string
  46. local sv_mvd_enable = gi.cvar("sv_mvd_enable", "").string
  47. if game ~= "action" or sv_mvd_enable == "0" or sv_mvd_enable == "" or sv_mvd_enable == nil then
  48. gi.dprintf("mvd.lua WARNING: This script only loads when game is 'action' and when sv_mvd_enable is '1' or '2'!\n")
  49. return 0
  50. end
  51. -- if we came to here, it's action!
  52. local version = "1.6hau"
  53. gi.AddCommandString("sets q2a_mvd "..version.."\n")
  54. local mvd_webby -- configure this one in the config.lua
  55. local exec_script_on_system_after_recording -- configure this one in the config.lua
  56. local exec_script_cvars_as_parameters -- configure this one in the config.lua
  57. local needs_cvar_q2a_mvd_autorecord -- configure this one in the config.lua
  58. -- state vars
  59. local teams_ready = {}
  60. local mvd_records = false
  61. local started_on_round_state = ""
  62. local mvd_pathfile = ""
  63. local mvd_file = ""
  64. gi.cvar_set("q2a_mvd_file", mvd_file)
  65. ---- small helper functions follow: ----
  66. function file_exists(fname)
  67. local,"r")
  68. if f~=nil then
  69. io.close(f)
  70. return true
  71. else
  72. return false
  73. end
  74. end
  75. function string_strip(badstring)
  76. goodstring = badstring
  77. goodstring = string.gsub(goodstring, "%W", "")
  78. return goodstring
  79. end
  80. function reset_ready_state()
  81. for k in pairs (teams_ready) do
  82. teams_ready[k] = nil
  83. end
  84. end
  85. function get_round_state()
  86. local teamplay = gi.cvar("teamplay", "").string
  87. if teamplay == "1" then
  88. local cvar_t1 = gi.cvar("t1", "").string
  89. local cvar_t2 = gi.cvar("t2", "").string
  90. local cvar_t3 = gi.cvar("t3", "").string
  91. local rstate = ""..cvar_t1.." "..cvar_t2.." "..cvar_t3..""
  92. return rstate
  93. end
  94. return 0
  95. end
  96. ---- big helper functions follow: ----
  97. function mvd_os_exec(script)
  98. gi.dprintf('mvd.lua mvd_os_exec(): '..script..'\n')
  99. local returnstuff = os.execute(script)
  100. gi.dprintf('mvd.lua mvd_os_exec(): returns: '..returnstuff..'\n')
  101. return returnstuff
  102. end
  103. function mvd_start_recording()
  104. -- if teamplay == 1 then save round state .. for later usage -
  105. -- this is to know if record stopping also can delete the newly recorded mvd, because the rounds did not happen.
  106. started_on_round_state = get_round_state()
  107. -- build filename
  108. local now ="%Y-%m-%d_%H%M%S")
  109. local mapname = gi.cvar("mapname", "").string
  110. local filename = now
  111. for k,v in pairs(teams_ready) do
  112. filename = filename .. "_" .. v
  113. --gi.AddCommandString("say starting team: "..v.."\n")
  114. end
  115. filename = filename.."_"..mapname
  116. gi.AddCommandString("mvdrecord -z "..filename.."\n")
  117. mvd_file = filename..".mvd2.gz"
  118. gi.cvar_set("q2a_mvd_file", mvd_file)
  119. mvd_pathfile = game.."/demos/"..mvd_file
  120. mvd_records = true
  121. local hostname = gi.cvar("hostname", "").string
  122. gi.bprintf(PRINT_CHAT, "MVD: '%s' MVD2 recording started: %s\n", hostname, mvd_file)
  123. end
  124. function mvd_stop_and_delete()
  125. local current_round_state = get_round_state()
  126. if mvd_records == true then
  127. if current_round_state == started_on_round_state then
  128. gi.AddCommandString("mvdstop\n")
  129. mvd_records = false
  130. -- if file exists in game dir, delete it
  131. --$game demos/lala.mvd2.gz
  132. if file_exists(mvd_pathfile) then
  133. if os.remove(mvd_pathfile) then
  134. gi.bprintf(PRINT_HIGH, 'Deleted the MVD2: %s\n', mvd_file)
  135. else
  136. gi.dprintf('mvd.lua mvd_stop_and_delete(): Problems deleting MVD2: %s\n', mvd_file)
  137. end
  138. end
  139. mvd_pathfile = ""
  140. mvd_file = ""
  141. gi.cvar_set("q2a_mvd_file", mvd_file)
  142. else
  143. gi.bprintf(PRINT_CHAT, 'MVD: Be quick to ready up again! MVD2 is still recording!\n')
  144. end
  145. end
  146. end
  147. function mvd_script_exec()
  148. if exec_script_on_system_after_recording ~= nil then
  149. if exec_script_cvars_as_parameters ~= nil then
  150. gi.dprintf('mvd.lua mvd_script_exec(): getting cvars for custom script execution.\n')
  151. local exec_str = ""
  152. for k,v in ipairs(exec_script_cvars_as_parameters) do
  153. kstr = gi.cvar(v, "").string
  154. gi.dprintf('mvd.lua mvd_script_exec(): cvar %s, %s: %s\n', k, v, kstr)
  155. exec_str = exec_str..' "'..kstr..'"'
  156. end
  157. mvd_os_exec(exec_script_on_system_after_recording..exec_str)
  158. else
  159. gi.dprintf('mvd.lua mvd_script_exec(): standard script execution.\n')
  160. -- using standard execution: <mvd_file> and <game>
  161. mvd_os_exec(exec_script_on_system_after_recording..' "'..mvd_file..'" "''"')
  162. end
  163. end
  164. end
  165. function mvd_stop()
  166. if mvd_records == true then
  167. gi.dprintf('mvd.lua mvd_stop(): stopping MVD recording...\n')
  168. gi.AddCommandString("mvdstop\n")
  169. mvd_records = false
  170. -- if file exists in game dir, advertise it:
  171. if file_exists(mvd_pathfile) then
  172. --$game demos/lala.mvd2.gz
  173. if mvd_webby ~= nil then
  174. gi.bprintf(PRINT_CHAT, 'MVD: Download the MVD2(%s) - %s\n', mvd_file, mvd_webby)
  175. else
  176. gi.bprintf(PRINT_CHAT, 'MVD: Download the MVD2: %s\n', mvd_file)
  177. end
  178. mvd_script_exec()
  179. end
  180. mvd_pathfile = ""
  181. mvd_file = ""
  182. gi.cvar_set("q2a_mvd_file", mvd_file)
  183. end
  184. end
  185. ---- q2admin hook functions follow: ----
  186. function q2a_load(config)
  187. gi.dprintf("mvd.lua q2a_load(): "..version.." for Action Quake 2 loaded.\n")
  188. mvd_webby = config.mvd_webby
  189. exec_script_on_system_after_recording = config.exec_script_on_system_after_recording
  190. exec_script_cvars_as_parameters = config.exec_script_cvars_as_parameters
  191. needs_cvar_q2a_mvd_autorecord = config.needs_cvar_q2a_mvd_autorecord
  192. if mvd_webby == nil then
  193. gi.dprintf("mvd.lua q2a_load(): You may define 'mvd_webby' in the config.lua file.\n")
  194. -- safe default:
  195. mvd_webby = nil
  196. end
  197. if exec_script_on_system_after_recording == nil then
  198. gi.dprintf("mvd.lua q2a_load(): You may define 'exec_script_on_system_after_recording' in the config.lua file.\n")
  199. -- safe default:
  200. exec_script_on_system_after_recording = nil
  201. end
  202. if exec_script_cvars_as_parameters == nil then
  203. gi.dprintf("mvd.lua q2a_load(): You may define 'exec_script_cvars_as_parameters' in the config.lua file.\n")
  204. -- safe default:
  205. exec_script_cvars_as_parameters = nil
  206. end
  207. if needs_cvar_q2a_mvd_autorecord == nil then
  208. gi.dprintf("mvd.lua q2a_load(): You may define 'needs_cvar_q2a_mvd_autorecord' in the config.lua file.\n")
  209. -- safe default:
  210. needs_cvar_q2a_mvd_autorecord = false
  211. end
  212. -- set some working defaults (workarounds) if game is action...
  213. if game == "action" then
  214. gi.AddCommandString('set sv_mvd_nomsg 0\n')
  215. gi.AddCommandString('set sv_mvd_begincmd "putaway; h_cycle;"\n')
  216. gi.AddCommandString('set sv_mvd_scorecmd "h_cycle;"\n')
  217. gi.AddCommandString('alias h_cycle "h_cycle_sb; h_cycle_sb; h_cycle_sb; h_cycle_sb; h_cycle_sb;"\n')
  218. gi.AddCommandString('alias h_cycle_sb "wait; help; wait 75; help; wait 100; putaway;"\n')
  219. gi.AddCommandString('set mvd_default_map wfall\n')
  220. end
  221. end
  222. function LevelChanged(level)
  223. gi.dprintf("mvd.lua LevelChanged(): it has been changed to %s\n", level)
  224. -- reset teams ready state
  225. reset_ready_state()
  226. -- if mvd is recording, stop mvd recording and advertise
  227. mvd_stop()
  228. end
  229. function LogMessage(msg)
  230. --debug of all incoming msg:
  231. --gi.AddCommandString("say "..msg.."\n")
  232. local team_ready = string.match(msg, "(.+) is ready to play!")
  233. if team_ready ~= nil then
  234. -- strip whitespace and bad chars
  235. team_ready = string_strip(team_ready)
  236. --gi.AddCommandString("say adding team: "..team_ready.."\n")
  237. table.insert(teams_ready,team_ready)
  238. return true
  239. end
  240. local team_notready = string.match(msg, "(.+) is no longer ready to play!")
  241. if team_notready ~= nil then
  242. -- strip whitespace and bad chars
  243. team_notready = string_strip(team_notready)
  244. for k,v in pairs(teams_ready) do
  245. if v == team_notready then
  246. table.remove(teams_ready, k)
  247. end
  248. end
  249. return true
  250. end
  251. local match = string.match(msg, "The round will begin in 20 seconds!")
  252. if match ~= nil then
  253. -- if mvd not recording then start mvd record
  254. if mvd_records == false then
  255. if needs_cvar_q2a_mvd_autorecord == true then
  256. local q2a_mvd_autorecord = gi.cvar("q2a_mvd_autorecord", "0").string
  257. if q2a_mvd_autorecord ~= "" and q2a_mvd_autorecord ~= "0" then
  258. mvd_start_recording()
  259. end
  260. else
  261. mvd_start_recording()
  262. end
  263. end
  264. return true
  265. end
  266. local match = string.match(msg, "Both Teams Must Be Ready!")
  267. if match ~= nil then
  268. -- if mvd is currently recording and t1, t2 == 0, then stop mvd recording and delete file
  269. mvd_stop_and_delete()
  270. return true
  271. end
  272. -- this message can't be catched by LogMessage .. .:(
  273. --local match = string.match(msg, "Recording local MVD to (.+)")
  274. --if match ~= nil then
  275. -- mvd_pathfile = match
  276. -- mvd_records = true
  277. -- gi.AddCommandString("say MVD2 recording started: "..mvd_pathfile.."\n")
  278. -- return true
  279. --end
  280. local match = string.match(msg, "Scores and time .+ reset.+by request of captains")
  281. if match ~= nil then
  282. -- reset teams ready state
  283. reset_ready_state()
  284. -- if mvd is currently recording and t1, t2 == 0, then stop mvd recording and delete file
  285. mvd_stop_and_delete()
  286. return true
  287. end
  288. local match = string.match(msg, "Match is over, waiting for next map, please vote a new one..")
  289. if match ~= nil then
  290. -- reset teams ready state
  291. reset_ready_state()
  292. -- if mvd is recording, stop mvd recording and advertise
  293. mvd_stop()
  294. return true
  295. end
  296. local match = string.match(msg, "Game ending at:.+")
  297. if match ~= nil then
  298. -- reset teams ready state
  299. reset_ready_state()
  300. -- if mvd is recording, stop mvd recording and advertise
  301. mvd_stop()
  302. return true
  303. end
  304. end -- of LogMessage
  305. -- The round will begin in 20 seconds!
  306. -- if mvd is not recording then start mvd record
  307. -- Both Teams Must Be Ready!
  308. -- if mvd is currently recording and t1, t2 == 0, then stop mvd recording and delete file
  309. -- Recording local MVD to demos/1352750130_Team#2_Team#1.mvd2.gz
  310. -- save full filename
  311. -- set mvd_records state to true
  312. -- Scores and time was resetted by request of captains
  313. -- if mvd is currently recording, then stop mvd recording and delete file
  314. -- Match is over, waiting for next map, please vote a new one..
  315. -- if mvd is currently recording, then stop mvd recording (and keep file) and advertise!
  316. --[[
  317. # vim: expandtab tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 autoindent:
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  319. --]]