#!/usr/bin/env bash # small transfer script by Shaque 2012-11-22 # and more changes done by lots of people over the course ;) mvd="$1" game="$2" _file="$game/demos/$mvd" # here, someuser@aq2world.com is the target user and host, change that to your needs. _targetuserhost="someuser@aq2world.com" # here, demos/ is the target directory, change that to your needs. _targetdir="demos/" if [ -f "$_file" ]; then ( sleep 2 ) && ( echo "put $_file '$_targetdir'" | sftp -q -o PasswordAuthentication=no -p $_targetuserhost ) & # sleep a little, so q2proded has time to finalize the demo file else echo "$0 Error: '$_file' not found. Not transferring anything. :(" fi # vim: expandtab tabstop=2 autoindent: # kate: space-indent on; indent-width 2; mixedindent off;