بدون توضیح

Paul Klumpp 6475db6783 Merge remote-tracking branch 'gh/master' 9 سال پیش
q2compile 793efc39a6 using GIT_SSL_NO_VERIFY=true so it may work where CAcert root cert is missing 9 سال پیش
q2srv 0a341add1f set use_newscore 0 // change back to 1 for default 12 سال پیش
LICENSE 33e79659de Initial commit 9 سال پیش
README 1bc9cf55af own gitlab hosting in readme 11 سال پیش


Action Quake2 - Base Server Installer by Paul Klumpp (2012-11-18)

It's always the same in Linux: To make it work on your system, some quake2
stuff needs to be compiled. Please follow these simple instructions.

First, on Linux, be an unprivileged user. The following will create a
"aq2-basesrv" directory, so, there is no need to create a new directory.
Just start the the magic script by:

curl -L https://gitlab.netdome.biz/pklumpp/aq2-base-server/raw/master/q2compile/aq2-bsrv-pkg.sh | bash -s first

For future updates, start this:

curl -L https://gitlab.netdome.biz/pklumpp/aq2-base-server/raw/master/q2compile/aq2-bsrv-pkg.sh | bash -s update

Note: These magic scripts will install or update everything, but they
won't overwrite your changes on configuration files.

Q: But, what do they really do?
A: In fact, those two magic scripts are just a shortcut for the following steps:

git clone https://bitbucket.org/PaulKlumpp/aq2-basesrv.git
git pull # if the files already exist

cd aq2-basesrv/q2compile

./make_and_put_all.sh clean
./make_and_put_all.sh update

Now, to YOUR JOB! Your job is to configure your server, so read the
following steps carefully and learn something.


Change to your q2 server action directory:

cd aq2-basesrv/q2srv/action/

There, you have to edit your configuration files, and set your stuff up.

See which cfg files are there:

ls -1 *cfg

Edit h_passwords.cfg so you have a rcon_password that you actually know:

nano h_passwords.cfg

Edit aq2_1.cfg, aq2_2.cfg etc so you have a nice hostname etc.

nano aq2_1.cfg

For information about AQ2-TNG Mod settings inside those configuration files,
see the documentation inside the docs/ directory!!

Inside the h_admin/ directory are admin helper scripts. With those little
scripts you can get additional maps or update your soundlist.ini.

This will install cloud.bsp and update your maplist (config/maplist.ini):

./getmap.sh cloud

For a public server which is more fun ;), put your user wave files into
action/sound/user/. And then, to update your soundlist (config/soundlist.ini)
goto action/h_admin/ and do:



Change to your q2 server directory:

cd aq2-basesrv/q2srv/

Edit the gs_starter.cfg and try to study what it says:

nano gs_starter.cfg

Note: The ACTIVATE variable defines which instances get run
by ./gs_starter.sh startwatch. And obviously, the rest of the
variables define starting parameters for these instances.

Start the gs_starter.sh script... With default gs_starter.cfg, it will watch
over your Action Quake 2 game server instances 1, 2 and 3:

screen ./gs_starter.sh startwatch

But if you're new to Linux and "screen", you have to read "ABOUT SCREEN".

You can kill ALL instances with:

./gs_starter.sh stopall
Note: If they were watched by startwatch, the instances will come up again.

You can kill an instance X with:

./gs_starter.sh stop X
Note: If it was watched by startwatch, the instance will come up again.

You can start an instance X with:

./gs_starter.sh start X
Note: This does not necessarily mean that this instance is watched.

You can stop watching the instances with:

./gs_starter.sh stopwatch

For help, just start it:



You can get a list of running gameserver instances with:

screen -ls

You can attach to a running gameserver instance with:

screen -x gs1
screen -x gs2 etc.

You can detach from a gameserver instance with:

Press ctrl+a then press d

And now, have fun!

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