soho.aqg 2.3 KB

  1. #
  2. # Map: soho.aqg
  3. # Build: 1
  4. # Creator:taipAn
  5. #
  6. # format is:
  7. #
  8. # x:y:z:rX:rY:rZ:name
  9. #
  10. # where "x:y:z" is the location coordinate
  11. # "rX,rY" is the range for the location marker (if 0 then 1500 vector
  12. # points)
  13. # "rZ" is the height range for the location marker (if 0 then not use
  14. # it)
  15. # "name" is the name of the location marker and is used in "%L" and "%S"
  16. #
  17. # aqg_location 1 - Set corner 1 on the location box.
  18. # aqg_location 2 - Set corner 2 on the location box.
  19. # aqg_location calc - Displays the location box coordinates/ranges.
  20. # aqg_location checkL - works like %L, but you don't need to be alive or on a team
  21. # aqg_location checkS - works like %S, but you don't need to be alive or on a team
  22. #
  23. #
  24. -191:19:191:489:596:170:in the back alley
  25. -80:-417:117:163:171:98:in back alley tree square
  26. 201:-386:111:86:130:97:in back alley ramp house
  27. 151:315:310:133:107:47:in back alley top room
  28. 94:738:271:343:103:101:inside Chang Imports
  29. -209:1228:187:43:192:171:at trashcan underground entrance
  30. -475:821:149:181:198:140:in the back alley
  31. -773:491:188:69:187:51:inside the secret room
  32. 88:944:188:373:75:183:in back alley, near crates area
  33. 542:1369:261:303:417:112:in the crates area
  34. 1224:1724:141:375:154:122:in little square by crates area
  35. 1394:1968:101:181:71:80:in little square by crates area
  36. 1090:2215:47:377:186:83:in the narrow passage at little square
  37. 40:2374:212:57:274:148:thrashcan alley behind the restaurant
  38. 403:2232:46:288:216:81:in the alley behind the restaurant
  39. -616:2160:272:583:567:212:outside the restaurant
  40. -180:2469:118:129:229:52:inside the restaurant
  41. -993:2262:207:196:209:139:inside laundry house
  42. -995:2259:424:210:223:61:up on laundry house roof
  43. -996:2596:122:202:107:58:near the restaurant underground entrance
  44. 129:1679:214:162:108:51:in the crates area
  45. -1052:2204:-117:61:446:117:underground, near exit by the restaurant
  46. -554:1245:-180:554:506:52:underground, near the pipes
  47. -316:1301:-126:314:144:107:underground, near the pipes
  48. -297:608:-41:168:120:189:undeground, near back alley exit
  49. 136:671:-175:262:58:43:underground, near broken stone room
  50. 185:413:-155:216:170:110:underground, in broken stone room
  51. 71:-107:-93:144:316:84:underground, near tree square exit
  52. -38:-171:-168:36:256:37:underground, near tree square exit
  53. -167:-136:80:79:80:72:inside back alley small cottage