- # Map: ninja.aqg
- # Build: 1
- # Creator:[AMC]Mloclam
- 76: 1516: 866: 81: 46: 142:on a platform
- -238: 560: 891: 65: 86: 82:on a platform
- 78: -212: 866: 113: 50: 114:on a platform
- 921: 562: 886: 60: 98: 122:on a platform
- 346: 640: 749: 741: 1005: 259:on the high wires
- 337: 668: 97: 642: 920: 331:plummeting to doom
- 347: 668: -308: 653: 920: 74:far down on the ground
- 394: 638: 1079: 716: 934: 99:on top of the walls