mode_public.cfg 1.8 KB

  1. // AQ2:TNG Mode Config File mode-teamplay.cfg
  2. //
  3. // created: 2001-06-20, 10:50:19
  4. // with the AQ2:TNG config generator at
  5. //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  6. //set gamename "public"
  7. //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  8. // General Settings
  9. //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  10. set dmflags 768
  11. // with ff: 0
  12. // without ff: 256
  13. // with ff, with spawn farthest: 512
  14. // without ff: without spawn farthest: 768
  15. set maplistname config/maplist.ini
  16. set ininame config/public.ini
  17. set maxclients 14
  18. set punishkills 1
  19. set noscore 0
  20. set nohud 0
  21. set use_warnings 1
  22. set use_rewards 1
  23. set use_oldspawns 0
  24. //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  25. // Game Mode Settings
  26. //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  27. set deathmatch 1
  28. set teamplay 1
  29. set ctf 0
  30. set use_3teams 0
  31. set use_tourney 0
  32. set matchmode 0
  33. set darkmatch 0
  34. //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  35. // Limits
  36. //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  37. set fraglimit 0
  38. set timelimit 20
  39. set roundlimit 15
  40. set roundtimelimit 3
  41. set limchasecam 0
  42. set knifelimit 40
  43. //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  44. // Weapon and Item Options
  45. //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  46. set allweapon 0
  47. set weapons 1
  48. set wp_flags 511
  49. set allitem 0
  50. set items 1
  51. set itm_flags 63
  52. set ir 1
  53. set new_irvision 0
  54. set tgren 1
  55. set dmweapon "MK23 Pistol"
  56. set hc_single 1
  57. set use_classic 0
  58. //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  59. // Config End
  60. //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  61. map cloud