123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051 |
- on a team
- on a team
- 1035:-1189:320:308:566:401:in Beer alley
- 1211:-995:470:135:166:139:up on Beer roof
- 1327:-175:471:221:471:134:up on Gandhi roof
- 1413:126:232:251:120:235:on Gandhi square
- 1854:-121:272:319:516:342:in El. Const. alley
- 2501:70:249:317:126:87:in El. Const. apartment
- 2680:-129:273:122:375:81:in El. Const. apartment
- 2787:-512:276:227:130:301:in NW alley
- 2886:-961:459:323:318:143:up on NW roof
- 2729:-830:243:163:180:70:in NW apartment
- 2911:-1567:321:340:293:342:in alley below Main roof
- 2365:-1839:448:316:277:146:up on Main roof
- 2173:-2213:134:77:95:308:in the ladder room
- 1664:-2180:419:133:135:167:up on little brown roof
- 1338:-2052:404:134:134:230:up on low roof
- 1693:-2210:32:226:238:202:in alley below brown roof
- 1963:-1697:-47:636:404:155:on street under Main roof
- 1486:-1699:85:265:226:94:above stairs from Main roof street
- 1951:-1056:149:607:420:165:on Main Street
- 2436:-727:135:264:674:168:on Main street
- 1980:-1343:114:194:193:65:in the entrance room
- 1936:-937:252:242:719:73:in the blue galleria
- 1920:-530:454:250:165:122:in apartment by High roof
- 1940:-904:537:102:218:110:up on High roof
- 1276:-1315:185:305:148:134:in the Beer apartment