# gs_starter.cfg - part of gs_starter.sh by Paul Klumpp, 2012-11-14 # what's the game server binary? GSDED="q2proded" # when no specific start parameter has been given, start these instances: ACTIVATE=(1 2 3) # set a prefix for the screen names.. this is good to attach quickly by "screen -x prefix#" PREFIX="gs" # put common settings here: p_base="+set basedir . +fs_restart +exec q2proded.cfg" p_action="$p_base +set game action +set gamedir action" p_q2apub="+set q2a_config q2a_pub.lua" p_q2amm="+set q2a_config q2a_mm.lua" # put server parameters here: PARMS[1]="$p_action $p_q2apub +set net_port 27910 +exec aq2_1.cfg" PARMS[2]="$p_action $p_q2amm +set net_port 27911 +exec aq2_2.cfg" PARMS[3]="$p_action $p_q2amm +set net_port 27912 +exec aq2_3.cfg" PARMS[4]="$p_action $p_q2apub +set net_port x +exec aq2_4.cfg" PARMS[5]="$p_action $p_q2apub +set net_port x +exec aq2_5.cfg" PARMS[6]="" PARMS[7]="" PARMS[8]="" PARMS[9]="" PARMS[10]="" PARMS[11]="" PARMS[12]="" PARMS[13]="" PARMS[14]="" PARMS[15]="" PARMS[16]="" PARMS[17]="" PARMS[18]="" PARMS[19]="" PARMS[20]="$p_action +exec action_gtv.cfg +set game action +net_port 27915" # you can define more, if you really need.... # vim: expandtab tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 autoindent: