# _QuakeWorld Bot_ You want to install this QuakeWorld Bot, or want to get more information about it? You've come to the right place. So to say, one of the right places. ;) You can also find the devs on irc://irc.quakenet.org/qwnet. ## How to install it We got an installation script to do the work of compiling the source files and putting the binaries to a target directory. It will even run the bot for the first time. Why? Because, on the first run, it will create a configuration file. You only need to have git, gcc(g++), Qt(libs: qt-core, libqt4-dev(debian)) and the usual make installed on your system. They're pre-requisites. The script checks for them too. If they don't exist on your system, you can either install them, or you could ask the devs for a statically linked binary package. So, here's the thing: ``` $ git clone https://gogs.netdome.biz/community-messaging-project/qwbot.git $ cd qwbot $ ./install.sh ``` ## How do I get the Bot to connect to a server? There are two ways to do that; the automatic way, when connected to the "central" and the manual way, by configuring the config file. ### Add a server via config file: In the config file (currently named qwbot.cfg) there is the [Servers] section. First, set the "size" - the count of the servers that are to be monitored. Then, set the server addresses themselves. _Example:_ ``` [Servers] size=2 1\address= 2\address=hostname:27500 ``` We know, this is not really intuitive, but the whole thing is designed to normally work automatically, controlled by a "central" server - and that's the other method.