/* GNU General Public License version 3 notice Copyright (C) 2012 Mihawk . All rights reserved. This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see < http://www.gnu.org/licenses/ >. */ #include "QWClient.h" #include "QWClientPrivate.h" #include "QWPack.h" #include "QWTables.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include const char* QWClientPrivate::ClientName = "libqwclient"; const char* QWClientPrivate::ClientVersion = "0.1"; QWClientPrivate::QWClientPrivate(QWClient* client): myClient(client), mySocket(new QUdpSocket), myTime(new QTime), myLastServerReplyTime(new QTime), myDownload(new QFile), myClientName(ClientName), myClientVersion(ClientVersion), myState(QWClient::DisconnectedState), myGameDir("qw"), myQuakeDir(QCoreApplication::applicationDirPath()), myPing(666), myRate(3000), myTopColor(0), myBottomColor(0), myName(ClientName), mySpectatorFlag(true), myTeam("lqwc") { /* Setup IO streams */ myInBuffer.setBuffer(&myInData); myInStream.setDevice(&myInBuffer); myInStream.setByteOrder(QDataStream::LittleEndian); myInBuffer.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly); myUnreliableOutBuffer.setBuffer(&myUnreliableOutData); myUnreliableOutStream.setDevice(&myUnreliableOutBuffer); myUnreliableOutBuffer.open(QIODevice::WriteOnly); myUnreliableOutStream.setByteOrder(QDataStream::LittleEndian); myReliableOutBuffer.setBuffer(&myReliableOutData); myReliableOutStream.setDevice(&myReliableOutBuffer); myReliableOutBuffer.open(QIODevice::WriteOnly); myReliableOutStream.setByteOrder(QDataStream::LittleEndian); myOutBuffer.setBuffer(&myOutData); myOutStream.setDevice(&myOutBuffer); myOutBuffer.open(QIODevice::ReadWrite); myOutStream.setByteOrder(QDataStream::LittleEndian); reloadPackFiles(); } void QWClientPrivate::setPing(quint16 ping) { myPing = qBound(13, ping, 999); } void QWClientPrivate::reconnect() { disconnect(); connect(myHost.toString().toLatin1().data(), myPort); } void QWClientPrivate::setRate(quint16 rate) { myRate = qBound(2500, rate, 30000); if(myState != QWClient::ConnectedState) return; sendCmd("setinfo \"rate\" \"" + QString::number(rate) + "\""); } void QWClientPrivate::setSpectator(bool spectate) { if(myState == QWClient::ConnectedState) { if(spectate && !mySpectatorFlag) observe(); else if(!spectate && mySpectatorFlag) join(); return; } mySpectatorFlag = spectate; } void QWClientPrivate::setPassword(const QString &password) { myPassword = password; } void QWClientPrivate::setQuakeFolder(const QString &path) { myQuakeDir = path; QDir dir(myQuakeDir); dir.mkpath(myGameDir); reloadPackFiles(); } void QWClientPrivate::join() { mySpectatorFlag = false; if(myState != QWClient::ConnectedState) return; writeByte(&myReliableOutStream, clc_stringcmd); writeString(&myReliableOutStream, "setinfo \"spectator\" \"\""); writeByte(&myReliableOutStream, clc_stringcmd); writeString(&myReliableOutStream, "join"); } void QWClientPrivate::observe() { mySpectatorFlag = true; if(myState != QWClient::ConnectedState) return; writeByte(&myReliableOutStream, clc_stringcmd); writeString(&myReliableOutStream, "setinfo \"spectator\" \"" + QString::number(mySpectatorFlag) + "\""); writeByte(&myReliableOutStream, clc_stringcmd); writeString(&myReliableOutStream, "observe"); } const QString& QWClientPrivate::gameDir() const { return myGameDir; } const QString& QWClientPrivate::quakeDir() const { return myQuakeDir; } void QWClientPrivate::setColor(quint8 bottom, quint8 top) { myBottomColor = bottom; myTopColor = top; if(myState != QWClient::ConnectedState) return; writeByte(&myReliableOutStream, clc_stringcmd); writeString(&myReliableOutStream, "setinfo \"bottomcolor\" \"" + QString::number(myBottomColor) + "\""); writeByte(&myReliableOutStream, clc_stringcmd); writeString(&myReliableOutStream, "setinfo \"topcolor\" \"" + QString::number(myTopColor) + "\""); } void QWClientPrivate::setName(const char *name) { myName = QString(name); if(myState == QWClient::ConnectedState) { writeByte(&myReliableOutStream, clc_stringcmd); writeString(&myReliableOutStream, "setinfo \"name\" \"" + myName + "\""); } } void QWClientPrivate::setTeam(const char *team) { myTeam = QString(team); if(myState == QWClient::ConnectedState) { writeByte(&myReliableOutStream, clc_stringcmd); writeString(&myReliableOutStream, "setinfo \"name\" \"" + myTeam + "\""); } } void QWClientPrivate::sendCmd(const QString &cmd) { if(myState != QWClient::ConnectedState) return; writeByte(&myReliableOutStream, clc_stringcmd); writeString(&myReliableOutStream, cmd); } QWClientPrivate::~QWClientPrivate() { delete myTime; delete myLastServerReplyTime; delete mySocket; delete myDownload; } static QRegExp packRegex("pak[0-9]+\\.pak", Qt::CaseInsensitive); void QWClientPrivate::reloadPackFiles() { for(int i = 0; i < myPacks.size(); ++i) delete myPacks.at(i); myPacks.clear(); QDir gameDir(myQuakeDir + "/" + myGameDir); if(!gameDir.isReadable()) return; QFileInfoList files = gameDir.entryInfoList(QStringList("*.pak"), QDir::Files); for(int i = 0; i < files.size(); ++i) { if(packRegex.indexIn(files.at(i).fileName()) != -1) { QWPack* pack = new QWPack(); if(!pack->load(files.at(i).absoluteFilePath())) { delete pack; continue; } myPacks.push_back(pack); } } } void QWClientPrivate::run() { /* Read and parse packets sent by the server */ readPackets(); /* Send something to the server to keep the connection alive */ sendToServer(); } void QWClientPrivate::sendToServer(bool dontWait) { /* Check for resend */ if(myState == QWClient::ConnectingState) { if(myTime->elapsed() >= 5000) { sendConnectionless("getchallenge\n"); myClient->onChallenge(); myTime->restart(); } return; } /* Go full speed when connecting or downloading a new map */ if(!dontWait && (myState != QWClient::ConnectedState || myDownload->isOpen() ? 12 : myPing) > myTime->elapsed()) return; sendMovement(); //send some movement every frame bool sendReliable = false; if(myIncomingAck > myLastRealiableSeq && myIncomingAckReliableFlag != myOutgoingSeqReliableFlag) sendReliable = true; if(!myReliableData.size() && myReliableOutData.size()) { myReliableData = myReliableOutData; myOutgoingSeqReliableFlag ^= 1; sendReliable = true; myReliableOutData.clear(); myReliableOutStream.device()->seek(0); } /* Write packet header */ myOutData.clear(); myOutStream.device()->seek(0); myOutStream << (myOutgoingSeq | (sendReliable << 31)); myOutStream << (myIncomingSeq | (myIncomingSeqReliableFlag << 31)); myOutStream << myQPort; myOutgoingSeq++; /* Write reliable buffer first */ if(sendReliable) { myOutData.append(myReliableData); myLastRealiableSeq = myOutgoingSeq; } /* Unreliable part afterwards */ if(myOutData.size() + myUnreliableOutData.size() < MAX_MSGLEN && myUnreliableOutData.size()) { myOutData.append(myUnreliableOutData); myUnreliableOutData.clear(); myUnreliableOutStream.device()->seek(0); } /* Finally send the packet */ mySocket->write(myOutData); mySocket->waitForBytesWritten(); myOutData.clear(); myOutStream.device()->seek(0); myTime->restart(); } void QWClientPrivate::readPackets() { if(!mySocket->isOpen()) return; if(!mySocket->hasPendingDatagrams()) { if(myLastServerReplyTime->secsTo(QTime::currentTime()) >= 30) { myClient->onError("Client Timed Out."); disconnect(); return; } return; } *myLastServerReplyTime = QTime::currentTime(); myInData.resize(mySocket->pendingDatagramSize()); // myInData = mySocket->readAll(); mySocket->readDatagram(myInData.data(), mySocket->pendingDatagramSize()); myInStream.device()->seek(0); quint32 seq; myInStream >> seq; if(seq == 0xffffffff) parseConnectionless(); else parseServerMessage(); } void QWClientPrivate::parseConnectionless() { quint8 c; c = readByte(); switch(c) { case S2C_CHALLENGE: { QString challenge; QString connString; challenge = readString(); connString.append("connect " + QString::number(PROTOCOL_VERSION) + " " + QString::number(myQPort) + " " + challenge); connString.append(" \"\\rate\\" + QString::number(myRate)); if(!myPassword.isEmpty()) connString.append("\\password\\" + myPassword); connString.append("\\msg\\1\\noaim\\1\\topcolor\\" + QString::number(myTopColor) + "\\bottomcolor\\" + QString::number(myBottomColor) + "\\w_switch\\2\\b_switch\\2\\*client\\" + myClientName); connString.append(" " + myClientVersion + "\\name\\" + myName + "\\team\\" + myTeam + "\\spectator\\" + (mySpectatorFlag ? "1" : "0") + "\\pmodel\\33168\\emodel\\6967\\*z_ext\\383\""); myInStream.device()->seek(0); sendConnectionless(connString.toLatin1()); myClient->onConnection(); } break; case S2C_CONNECTION: { myState = QWClient::ConnectedState; writeByte(&myReliableOutStream, clc_stringcmd); writeString(&myReliableOutStream, "new"); myClient->onConnected(); } break; case A2C_PRINT: myClient->onOOBPrint(readString().toLatin1().data()); break; case A2C_CLIENT_COMMAND: myClient->onOOBCommand(readString().toLatin1().data()); break; case A2A_PING: sendConnectionless(QString(QChar(A2A_ACK)).toLatin1()); break; case A2A_ACK: // qDebug("Ack"); break; case A2A_NACK: // qDebug("Nack"); break; case A2A_ECHO: myClient->onOOBEcho(readString().toLatin1().data()); break; } } bool QWClientPrivate::fileExists(const QString &filename) { /* Search on the gamedir first */ if(QFile::exists(myQuakeDir + "/" + myGameDir + "/" + filename)) return true; /* Search quake pak files next */ for(int i = 0; i < myPacks.size(); ++i) { if(myPacks[i]->exists(filename)) return true; } return false; } bool QWClientPrivate::readFile(const QString &filename, char **data, quint64 *len) { /* Try disk */ QFile file(myQuakeDir + "/" + myGameDir + "/" + filename); *len = 0; if(file.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly)) { *len = file.size(); *data = new char[*len]; file.read(*data, *len); return true; } /* Try packs */ for(int i = 0; i < myPacks.size(); ++i) { QWPack* pack = myPacks.at(i); if(!pack->exists(filename)) continue; pack->read(filename, data, len); return true; } return false; } //int bitCounts[32]; /// just for protocol profiling void QWClientPrivate::parseDelta(entityState_t *from, entityState_t *to, int bits) { int i; int morebits; // set everything to the state we are delta'ing from *to = *from; to->number = bits & 511; bits &= ~511; if(bits & U_MOREBITS) { // read in the low order bits i = readByte(); bits |= i; } if(bits & U_FTE_EVENMORE && myFTEProtocolExtensions) { morebits = readByte(); if (morebits & U_FTE_YETMORE) morebits |= readByte() << 8; } else { morebits = 0; } // // count the bits for net profiling // for (i=0 ; i<16 ; i++) // if (bits&(1<flags = bits; if(bits & U_MODEL) to->modelindex = readByte(); if(bits & U_FRAME) to->frame = readByte(); if(bits & U_COLORMAP) to->colormap = readByte(); if(bits & U_SKIN) to->skinnum = readByte(); if(bits & U_EFFECTS) to->effects = readByte(); if(bits & U_ORIGIN1) to->origin[0] = readCoord(); if(bits & U_ANGLE1) to->angles[0] = readAngle(); if(bits & U_ORIGIN2) to->origin[1] = readCoord(); if(bits & U_ANGLE2) to->angles[1] = readAngle(); if(bits & U_ORIGIN3) to->origin[2] = readCoord(); if(bits & U_ANGLE3) to->angles[2] = readAngle(); if(bits & U_SOLID) {} if(morebits & U_FTE_TRANS && myFTEProtocolExtensions & FTE_PEXT_TRANS) readByte(); if(morebits & U_FTE_ENTITYDBL) {} if(morebits & U_FTE_ENTITYDBL2) {} if(morebits & U_FTE_MODELDBL) {} } //======================================================================== // Parser quint32 QWClientPrivate::littleLong(quint32 l) { if(QSysInfo::ByteOrder == QSysInfo::LittleEndian) return qToLittleEndian(l); else return l; } quint16 QWClientPrivate::littleShort(quint16 s) { if(QSysInfo::ByteOrder == QSysInfo::LittleEndian) return qToLittleEndian(s); else return s; } float QWClientPrivate::littleFloat(float f) { if(QSysInfo::ByteOrder == QSysInfo::LittleEndian) return qToLittleEndian(f); else return f; } bool QWClientPrivate::checkForBadRead(quint8 typeSize) { if(myInStream.device()->pos()+typeSize > myInStream.device()->size()) { myBadReadFlag = true; return true; } return false; } float QWClientPrivate::readAngle() { if(checkForBadRead(1)) return -1; quint8 angle; myInStream >> angle; return angle * (360.0f/256); } float QWClientPrivate::readAngle16() { if(checkForBadRead(2)) return -1; quint16 angle; myInStream >> angle; return angle * (360.0f/65536); } float QWClientPrivate::readCoord() { if(checkForBadRead(2)) return -1; quint16 coord; myInStream >> coord; return coord * (1.0f/8); } quint8 QWClientPrivate::readByte() { if(checkForBadRead(1)) return 0xff; quint8 byte; myInStream >> byte; return byte; } float QWClientPrivate::readFloat() { union { quint8 b[4]; int l; float f; } d; d.b[0] = readByte(); d.b[1] = readByte(); d.b[2] = readByte(); d.b[3] = readByte(); return littleFloat(d.f); } const QString QWClientPrivate::readString() { QString str; quint8 c; c = readByte(); while(c && c != 255) //bad read or null terminator { str.append(c); c = readByte(); } return str; } qint32 QWClientPrivate::readLong() { if(checkForBadRead(4)) return -1; quint32 l; myInStream >> l; return l; } qint16 QWClientPrivate::readShort() { if(checkForBadRead(2)) return -1; qint16 s; myInStream >> s; return s; } //======================================================================== void QWClientPrivate::parseSvcNoop() { } void QWClientPrivate::parseSvcDisconnect() { mySocket->close(); myState = QWClient::DisconnectedState; myClient->onDisconnect(); } void QWClientPrivate::parseSvcPrint() { quint8 level = readByte(); QString msg = readString(); myClient->onPrint(level, msg.toLatin1().data()); } void QWClientPrivate::parseSvcCenterPrint() { myClient->onCenterPrint(readString().toLatin1().data()); } void QWClientPrivate::parseSvcStuffText() { QStringList commands = readString().split("\n"); for(int i = 0; i < commands.size(); ++i) { QString cmd = commands.at(i); if(cmd == "reconnect" || cmd == "cmd new") { writeByte(&myReliableOutStream, clc_stringcmd); writeString(&myReliableOutStream, "new"); } else if(cmd == "cmd pext") { writeByte(&myReliableOutStream, clc_stringcmd); writeString(&myReliableOutStream, "pext 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000"); } else if(cmd.startsWith("cmd spawn")) { writeByte(&myReliableOutStream, clc_stringcmd); writeString(&myReliableOutStream, cmd.section(' ', 1)); } else if(cmd.startsWith("cmd prespawn")) { writeByte(&myReliableOutStream, clc_stringcmd); writeString(&myReliableOutStream, cmd.section(' ', 1)); } else if(cmd == "skins") { writeByte(&myReliableOutStream, clc_stringcmd); writeString(&myReliableOutStream, QString("begin " + QString::number(myServerCount))); } else if(cmd.startsWith("packet")) { QRegExp regex("\"(.+)\""); int pos = regex.indexIn(cmd); if(pos != -1) sendConnectionless(regex.capturedTexts().at(1).toLatin1()); } myClient->onStuffedCmd(cmd.toLatin1().data()); } } void QWClientPrivate::parseSvcDamage() { int armor = readByte(); int blood = readByte(); myClient->onDamage(armor, blood); readCoord(); readCoord(); readCoord(); } void QWClientPrivate::parseSvcServerData() { while (1) { myProtocolVersion = readLong(); if(myProtocolVersion == PROTOCOL_VERSION_FTE || myProtocolVersion == PROTOCOL_VERSION_FTE2) { myFTEProtocolExtensions = readLong(); continue; } if(myProtocolVersion == PROTOCOL_VERSION) break; } myServerCount = readLong(); myGameDir = readString(); QDir quakeDir(myQuakeDir); if(!quakeDir.cd(myGameDir)) quakeDir.mkdir(myGameDir); quint8 playerNum = readByte(); //playernum if(playerNum & 0x80) { mySpectatorFlag = true; playerNum &= ~0x80; } else mySpectatorFlag = false; QString lvlName = readString(); float a = readFloat(); float b = readFloat(); float c = readFloat(); float d = readFloat(); float e = readFloat(); float f = readFloat(); float g = readFloat(); float h = readFloat(); float i = readFloat(); float j = readFloat(); myClient->onLevelChanged( playerNum, lvlName.toLatin1().data(), a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j ); writeByte(&myReliableOutStream, clc_stringcmd); writeString(&myReliableOutStream, QString("soundlist " + QString::number(myServerCount) + " 0")); if(myDownload->isOpen()) myDownload->close(); } void QWClientPrivate::parseSvcSetAngle() { readAngle(); readAngle(); readAngle(); } void QWClientPrivate::parseSvcLightStyle() { readByte(); readString(); } void QWClientPrivate::parseSvcSound() { quint16 channel; channel = readShort(); if (channel & SND_VOLUME) readByte(); if (channel & SND_ATTENUATION) readByte(); myClient->onPlaySound(readByte()); readCoord(); readCoord(); readCoord(); } void QWClientPrivate::parseSvcStopSound() { readShort(); } void QWClientPrivate::parseSvcUpdateFrags() { //printf("svc_updatefrags\n"); quint8 playerNum = readByte(); quint16 frags = readShort(); myClient->onUpdateFrags(playerNum, frags); } void QWClientPrivate::parseSvcUpdatePing() { quint8 playerNum = readByte(); quint16 ping = readShort(); myClient->onUpdatePing(playerNum, ping); } void QWClientPrivate::parseSvcUpdatePL() { quint8 playerNum = readByte(); quint8 pl = readByte(); myClient->onUpdatePL(playerNum, pl); } void QWClientPrivate::parseSvcUpdateEnterTime() { readByte(); readFloat(); } void QWClientPrivate::parseSvcSpawnBaseLine() { //printf("svc_spawnbaseline\n"); readShort(); readByte(); readByte(); readByte(); readByte(); for(int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { readCoord(); readAngle(); } } void QWClientPrivate::parseSvcSpawnStatic() { //printf("svc_spawnstatic\n"); //rawReadShort(); readByte(); readByte(); readByte(); readByte(); for(int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { readCoord(); readAngle(); } } void QWClientPrivate::parseSvcTempEntity() { //printf("svc_temp_entity\n"); quint8 c = readByte(); bool parsed = false; switch(c) { case TE_LIGHTNING1: case TE_LIGHTNING2: case TE_LIGHTNING3: readShort(); readCoord(); readCoord(); readCoord(); readCoord(); readCoord(); readCoord(); parsed = true; break; case TE_GUNSHOT: readByte(); readCoord(); readCoord(); readCoord(); parsed = true; break; case TE_BLOOD: readByte(); readCoord(); readCoord(); readCoord(); parsed = true; break; case TE_LIGHTNINGBLOOD: readCoord(); readCoord(); readCoord(); parsed = true; break; } if(!parsed) { readCoord(); readCoord(); readCoord(); } } void QWClientPrivate::parseSvcUpdateStat() { readByte(); readByte(); } void QWClientPrivate::parseSvcUpdateStatLong() { //printf("svc_updatestatlong\n"); readByte(); readLong(); } void QWClientPrivate::parseSvcSpawnStaticSound() { //printf("svc_spawnstaticsound\n"); readCoord(); readCoord(); readCoord(); readByte(); readByte(); readByte(); } void QWClientPrivate::parseSvcCDTrack() { readByte(); } void QWClientPrivate::parseSvcIntermission() { //printf("svc_intermission\n"); readCoord(); readCoord(); readCoord(); readAngle(); readAngle(); readAngle(); } void QWClientPrivate::parseSvcFinale() { //printf("svc_finale\n"); readString(); } void QWClientPrivate::parseSvcSellScreen() { } void QWClientPrivate::parseSvcSmallKick() { } void QWClientPrivate::parseSvcBigKick() { } void QWClientPrivate::parseSvcMuzzleFlash() { //printf("svc_muzzleflash\n"); readShort(); } void QWClientPrivate::parseSvcUpdateUserinfo() { quint8 playerNum = readByte(); quint32 userID = readLong(); QString info = readString(); myClient->onUpdateUserInfo(playerNum, userID, info.toLatin1().data()); } void QWClientPrivate::parseSvcSetinfo() { //printf("svc_setinfo\n"); QString key, value; int playerNum = readByte(); key = readString(); value = readString(); //that must be done if(key == "rate") { myRate = value.toUInt(); sendCmd("setinfo \"rate\" \"" + value + "\""); } myClient->onSetInfo(playerNum, key.toLatin1().data(), value.toLatin1().data()); } void QWClientPrivate::parseSvcServerinfo() { //printf("svc_serverinfo\n"); QString key, value; key = readString(); value = readString(); myClient->onServerInfo(key.toLatin1().data(), value.toLatin1().data()); } void QWClientPrivate::startDownload(const QString &filename) { if(myDownload->isOpen()) myDownload->close(); writeByte(&myReliableOutStream, clc_stringcmd); writeString(&myReliableOutStream, QString("download " + filename)); if(filename.contains('/')) { QString path = filename.mid(0, (filename.size() - filename.section('/', -1).size() - 1)); QDir quakeDir(myGameDir); quakeDir.mkpath(myQuakeDir + "/" + myGameDir + "/" + path); } //generate disk path int tmpNo = 0; QString tmpFileName = myQuakeDir + "/" + myGameDir + "/" + filename + QString::number(tmpNo) + ".tmp"; while(myDownload->exists(tmpFileName)) { tmpNo++; tmpFileName = myQuakeDir + "/" + myGameDir + "/" + filename + QString::number(tmpNo) + ".tmp"; } myDownload->setFileName(tmpFileName); myDownload->open(QIODevice::WriteOnly); myClient->onDownloadStarted(filename.toLatin1().data()); } #if 0 void QWClientPrivate::parseChunkedDownload() { QString svname; int totalsize; int chunknum; char data[DLBLOCKSIZE]; chunknum = readLong(); if(chunknum < 0) { totalsize = readLong(); svname = readString(); if(myDownload->isOpen()) { // Ensure FILE is closed if(totalsize != -3) // -3 = dl stopped, so this known issue, do not warn qDebug("cls.download shouldn't have been set\n"); myDownload->close(); } if(totalsize < 0) { switch(totalsize) { case -3: qDebug("Server cancel downloading file %s\n", svname.toLatin1().data()); break; case -2: qDebug("Server permissions deny downloading file %s\n", svname.toLatin1().data()); break; default: qDebug("Couldn't find file %s on the server\n", svname.toLatin1().data()); break; } myDownload->close(); return; } if(cls.downloadmethod == DL_QWCHUNKS) { qDebug("Received second download - \"%s\"\n", svname.toLatin1().data()); disconnect(); } if(!myDownload->isOpen()) { qDebug("Failed to open %s", myDownload->fileName()); return; } cls.downloadmethod = DL_QWCHUNKS; cls.downloadpercent = 0; chunked_download_number++; downloadsize = totalsize; firstblock = 0; receivedbytes = 0; blockcycle = -1; //so it requests 0 first. :) memset(recievedblock, 0, sizeof(recievedblock)); return; } MSG_ReadData(data, DLBLOCKSIZE); if (myDownload->isOpen()) return; if (cls.downloadmethod != DL_QWCHUNKS) Host_Error("cls.downloadmethod != DL_QWCHUNKS\n"); if(chunknum < firstblock) return; if(chunknum - firstblock >= MAXBLOCKS) return; if(recievedblock[chunknum&(MAXBLOCKS-1)]) return; receivedbytes += DLBLOCKSIZE; recievedblock[chunknum&(MAXBLOCKS-1)] = true; while(recievedblock[firstblock&(MAXBLOCKS-1)]) { recievedblock[firstblock&(MAXBLOCKS-1)] = false; firstblock++; } fseek(cls.download, chunknum * DLBLOCKSIZE, SEEK_SET); if (downloadsize - chunknum * DLBLOCKSIZE < DLBLOCKSIZE) //final block is actually meant to be smaller than we recieve. fwrite(data, 1, downloadsize - chunknum * DLBLOCKSIZE, cls.download); else fwrite(data, 1, DLBLOCKSIZE, cls.download); cls.downloadpercent = receivedbytes/(float)downloadsize*100; tm = Sys_DoubleTime() - cls.downloadstarttime; // how long we dl-ing cls.downloadrate = (tm ? receivedbytes / 1024 / tm : 0); // some average dl speed in KB/s } #endif void QWClientPrivate::parseSvcDownload() { // if(myFTEProtocolExtensions & FTE_PEXT_CHUNKEDDOWNLOADS) // { // parseChunkedDownload(); // return; // } qint16 size; quint8 percent; size = readShort(); percent = readByte(); if(size == -1) { //file not found disconnect(); return; } if(!myDownload->isOpen()) { myInStream.device()->seek(myInStream.device()->pos() + size); return; } char* temp = new char[size]; myInStream.readRawData(temp, size); myDownload->write(temp, size); myDownload->waitForBytesWritten(1000); delete[] temp; myClient->onDownloadProgress(percent); if(percent != 100) { writeByte(&myReliableOutStream, clc_stringcmd); writeString(&myReliableOutStream, "nextdl"); } else { myDownload->close(); QString normalFileName = myDownload->fileName().left(myDownload->fileName().length()-5); //strip #.tmp if(!myDownload->rename(normalFileName)) { QFile::remove(normalFileName); myDownload->rename(normalFileName); //now it should succeed } myClient->onDownloadFinished(); preSpawn(mapChecksum(myMapName)); } } void QWClientPrivate::readUserDeltaCmd(userCmd_t *from, userCmd_t *move) { quint8 bits; memcpy(move, from, sizeof(*move)); bits = readByte(); // read current angles if(bits & CM_ANGLE1) move->angles[0] = readAngle16(); if(bits & CM_ANGLE2) move->angles[1] = readAngle16(); if(bits & CM_ANGLE3) move->angles[2] = readAngle16(); // read movement if(bits & CM_FORWARD) move->forwardmove = readShort(); if(bits & CM_SIDE) move->sidemove = readShort(); if(bits & CM_UP) move->upmove = readShort(); // read buttons if(bits & CM_BUTTONS) move->buttons = readByte(); if(bits & CM_IMPULSE) move->impulse = readByte(); // read time to run command move->msec = readByte(); } void QWClientPrivate::parseSvcPlayerinfo() { quint16 flags; userCmd_t from, move; memset(&from, 0, sizeof(userCmd_t)); memset(&move, 0, sizeof(userCmd_t)); int playerNum = readByte(); flags = readShort(); float x = readCoord(); float y = readCoord(); float z = readCoord(); myClient->onPlayerInfo(playerNum, x, y, z); readByte(); if(flags & PF_MSEC) readByte(); if(flags & PF_COMMAND) readUserDeltaCmd(&from, &move); for(int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { if(flags & (PF_VELOCITY1<onModelListFile(s.toLatin1().data()); } i = readByte(); if(i) { writeByte(&myReliableOutStream, clc_stringcmd); writeString(&myReliableOutStream, QString("modellist " + QString::number(myServerCount) + " " + QString::number(i))); return; } if(!fileExists(myMapName) && !QWTables::getOriginalMapChecksum(myMapName)) { startDownload(myMapName); return; } preSpawn(mapChecksum(myMapName)); } void QWClientPrivate::parseSvcSoundlist() { quint8 i; i = readByte(); for(;;) { QString s = readString(); if(s.isEmpty()) break; myClient->onSoundListFile(s.toLatin1().data()); } i = readByte(); if(i) { writeByte(&myReliableOutStream, clc_stringcmd); writeString(&myReliableOutStream, QString("soundlist " + QString::number(myServerCount) + " " + QString::number(i))); return; } //continue login writeByte(&myReliableOutStream, clc_stringcmd); writeString(&myReliableOutStream, QString("modellist " + QString::number(myServerCount) + " 0")); } void QWClientPrivate::parseSvcPacketEntities() { int word; entityState_t olde, newe; memset(&olde, 0, sizeof(olde)); while (1) { word = (unsigned short)readShort(); if (!word) break; // done parseDelta(&olde, &newe, word); } } void QWClientPrivate::parseSvcDeltaPacketEntities() { parseSvcPacketEntities(); } void QWClientPrivate::parseSvcMaxSpeed() { myClient->onMaxSpeedChange(readFloat()); } void QWClientPrivate::parseSvcEntGravity() { myClient->onEntGravityChange(readFloat()); } void QWClientPrivate::parseSvcSetPause() { myClient->onSetPause(readByte()); } void QWClientPrivate::parseSvcNails2() { quint8 c = readByte(); for(int i = 0; i < c; i++) { readByte(); for(int j = 0; j < 6; j++) readByte(); } } void QWClientPrivate::parseSvcFTEModellistShort() { quint16 i = readShort(); bool firstLoop = true; for(;;) { QString s; s = readString(); if(s.isEmpty()) break; if(!i && firstLoop) { myMapName = s; firstLoop = false; } myClient->onModelListFile(s.toLatin1().data()); } i = readByte(); if(i) { writeByte(&myReliableOutStream, clc_stringcmd); writeString(&myReliableOutStream, QString("modellist " + QString::number(myServerCount) + " " + QString::number(i))); return; } if(!fileExists(myMapName) && !QWTables::getOriginalMapChecksum(myMapName)) { startDownload(myMapName); return; } preSpawn(mapChecksum(myMapName)); } void QWClientPrivate::parseSvcFTESpawnBaseline2() { entityState_t nullst, es; if(!(myFTEProtocolExtensions & FTE_PEXT_SPAWNSTATIC2)) { myClient->onError("illegible server message\nsvc_fte_spawnbaseline2 without FTE_PEXT_SPAWNSTATIC2\n"); disconnect(); return; } memset(&nullst, 0, sizeof (entityState_t)); memset(&es, 0, sizeof (entityState_t)); parseDelta(&nullst, &es, readShort()); } void QWClientPrivate::parseSvcQizmoVoice() { // Read the two-byte header. readByte(); readByte(); // 32 bytes of voice data follow for(int i = 0; i < 32; i++) readByte(); } void QWClientPrivate::parseSvcFTEVoiceChat() { readByte(); readByte(); readByte(); quint16 i = readShort(); myInStream.device()->seek(myInStream.device()->pos() + i); } void QWClientPrivate::parseSvcFTESpawnStatic2() { if(myFTEProtocolExtensions & FTE_PEXT_SPAWNSTATIC2) { entityState_t from, to; memset(&from, 0, sizeof(entityState_t)); memset(&to, 0, sizeof(entityState_t)); parseDelta(&from, &to, readShort()); } } void QWClientPrivate::parseSvcKilledMonster() { } void QWClientPrivate::parseSvcFoundSecret() { } void QWClientPrivate::parseSvcUpdateName() { readByte(); readString(); } void QWClientPrivate::parseSvcUpdateColors() { readByte(); readByte(); } void QWClientPrivate::parseSvcTime() { readFloat(); } void QWClientPrivate::parseSvcSignonNum() { readByte(); } void QWClientPrivate::parseSvcParticle() { for(int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) readCoord(); for(int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) readByte(); readByte(); readByte(); } void QWClientPrivate::parseSvcClientData() { qDebug() << "WHY?!?!?!?!?!?! WHY ME BEING CALLED!"; } void QWClientPrivate::parseSvcVersion() { } void QWClientPrivate::preSpawn(int mapChecksum) { writeByte(&myReliableOutStream, clc_stringcmd); writeString(&myReliableOutStream, "setinfo pmodel 33168"); writeByte(&myReliableOutStream, clc_stringcmd); writeString(&myReliableOutStream, "setinfo emodel 6967"); writeByte(&myReliableOutStream, clc_stringcmd); writeString(&myReliableOutStream, QString("prespawn " + QString::number(myServerCount) + " 0 " + QString::number(mapChecksum))); } void QWClientPrivate::parseServerMessage() { quint32 incomingSeq, incomingAck; bool incomingSeqReliable, incomingAckReliable; myBadReadFlag = false; myInStream.device()->seek(0); myInStream >> incomingSeq; myInStream >> incomingAck; incomingSeqReliable = incomingSeq >> 31; incomingAckReliable = incomingAck >> 31; incomingSeq &= ~0x80000000; incomingAck &= ~0x80000000; if(incomingSeq <= myIncomingSeq) return; myPacketLoss = incomingSeq - (myIncomingSeq + 1); if(incomingAckReliable == myOutgoingSeqReliableFlag) myReliableData.clear(); if(incomingSeqReliable) myIncomingSeqReliableFlag ^= 1; myIncomingSeq = incomingSeq; myIncomingAck = incomingAck; myIncomingAckReliableFlag = incomingAckReliable; while(!myInStream.atEnd()) { if(myBadReadFlag) { myClient->onError("Bad read from server."); disconnect(); return; } quint8 c; quint8 last = 0; myInStream >> c; if(c == 0xff) break; switch(c) { case svc_bad: myClient->onError("Bad read from server."); disconnect(); return; case svc_nop: parseSvcNoop(); break; case svc_disconnect: parseSvcDisconnect(); break; case svc_print: parseSvcPrint(); break; case svc_centerprint: parseSvcCenterPrint(); break; case svc_stufftext: parseSvcStuffText(); break; case svc_damage: parseSvcDamage(); break; case svc_serverdata: parseSvcServerData(); break; case svc_setangle: parseSvcSetAngle(); break; case svc_lightstyle: parseSvcLightStyle(); break; case svc_sound: parseSvcSound(); break; case svc_stopsound: parseSvcStopSound(); break; case svc_updatefrags: parseSvcUpdateFrags(); break; case svc_updateping: parseSvcUpdatePing(); break; case svc_updatepl: parseSvcUpdatePL(); break; case svc_updateentertime: parseSvcUpdateEnterTime(); break; case svc_spawnbaseline: parseSvcSpawnBaseLine(); break; case svc_spawnstatic: parseSvcSpawnStatic(); break; case svc_temp_entity: parseSvcTempEntity(); break; case svc_killedmonster: parseSvcKilledMonster(); break; case svc_foundsecret: parseSvcFoundSecret(); break; case svc_updatestat: parseSvcUpdateStat(); break; case svc_updatestatlong: parseSvcUpdateStatLong(); break; case svc_spawnstaticsound: parseSvcSpawnStaticSound(); break; case svc_cdtrack: parseSvcCDTrack(); break; case svc_intermission: parseSvcIntermission(); break; case svc_finale: parseSvcFinale(); break; case svc_sellscreen: parseSvcSellScreen(); break; case svc_smallkick: parseSvcSmallKick(); break; case svc_bigkick: parseSvcBigKick(); break; case svc_muzzleflash: parseSvcMuzzleFlash(); break; case svc_updateuserinfo: parseSvcUpdateUserinfo(); break; case svc_setinfo: parseSvcSetinfo(); break; case svc_serverinfo: parseSvcServerinfo(); break; case svc_download: parseSvcDownload(); break; case svc_playerinfo: parseSvcPlayerinfo(); break; case svc_nails: parseSvcNails(); break; case svc_chokecount: parseSvcChokeCount(); break; case svc_modellist: parseSvcModellist(); break; case svc_soundlist: parseSvcSoundlist(); break; case svc_packetentities: parseSvcPacketEntities(); break; case svc_deltapacketentities: parseSvcDeltaPacketEntities(); break; case svc_maxspeed: parseSvcMaxSpeed(); break; case svc_entgravity: parseSvcEntGravity(); break; case svc_setpause: parseSvcSetPause(); break; case svc_nails2: parseSvcNails2(); break; case svc_fte_modellistshort: parseSvcFTEModellistShort(); break; case svc_fte_spawnbaseline2: parseSvcFTESpawnBaseline2(); break; case svc_qizmovoice: parseSvcQizmoVoice(); break; case svc_fte_voicechat: parseSvcFTEVoiceChat(); break; case svc_fte_spawnstatic2: parseSvcFTESpawnStatic2(); break; case nq_svc_time: parseSvcTime(); break; case nq_svc_clientdata: parseSvcClientData(); break; case nq_svc_version: parseSvcVersion(); break; case nq_svc_particle: parseSvcParticle(); break; case nq_svc_signonnum: parseSvcSignonNum(); break; case nq_svc_updatecolors: parseSvcUpdateColors(); break; case nq_svc_updatename: parseSvcUpdateName(); break; default: myClient->onError(QString("Unknown message from server. Last Cmd: [" + QString::number(last) + "] Current Cmd: [" + QString::number(c) + "]").toLatin1().data()); disconnect(); return; } last = c; } } void QWClientPrivate::connect(const char *host, quint16 port) { if(myState != QWClient::DisconnectedState) return; /* Disabled this, blocking too much, now user is supposed to send the string already resolved. */ // QHostInfo hi = QHostInfo::fromName(host); // if(hi.error() != QHostInfo::NoError) // { // myClient->onError(hi.errorString().toLatin1().data()); // return; // } myHost.setAddress(host); myPort = port; myIncomingSeq = 0; myIncomingAck = 0; myOutgoingSeq = 0; myLastRealiableSeq = 0; myIncomingSeqReliableFlag = false; myIncomingAckReliableFlag = false; myOutgoingSeqReliableFlag = false; myPacketLoss = 0; mySocket->connectToHost(myHost, myPort); mySocket->waitForConnected(); sendConnectionless("getchallenge\n"); myClient->onChallenge(); myQPort = qrand() & 0xffff; myTime->start(); myState = QWClient::ConnectingState; *myLastServerReplyTime = QTime::currentTime(); } void QWClientPrivate::setBindHost(const QString &host) { QHostAddress address(host); mySocket->bind(address, 0); } void QWClientPrivate::disconnect() { if(myState == QWClient::ConnectedState) { writeByte(&myUnreliableOutStream, clc_stringcmd); writeString(&myUnreliableOutStream, "drop"); sendToServer(true); writeByte(&myUnreliableOutStream, clc_stringcmd); writeString(&myUnreliableOutStream, "drop"); sendToServer(true); writeByte(&myUnreliableOutStream, clc_stringcmd); writeString(&myUnreliableOutStream, "drop"); sendToServer(true); } mySocket->close(); myState = QWClient::DisconnectedState; } void QWClientPrivate::sendConnectionless(const QByteArray &data) { QByteArray d; d.append("\xff\xff\xff\xff"); d.append(data); mySocket->write(d); mySocket->waitForBytesWritten(); } void QWClientPrivate::sendMovement() { myUnreliableOutStream << (quint8)clc_move << (quint8)0x10 << (quint8)myPacketLoss << (quint8)0x00 << (quint8)0x00 << (quint8)0x00 << (quint8)0x22 << (quint8)0x00 << (quint8)0x21; } //===================================================================== // "GPL map" support. If we encounter a map with a known "GPL" CRC, // we fake the CRC so that, on the client side, the CRC of the original // map is transferred to the server, and on the server side, comparison // of clients' CRC is done against the orignal one typedef struct { const char *mapname; unsigned int original; unsigned int gpl; } csentry_t; static csentry_t table[] = { // CRCs for AquaShark's "simpletextures" maps { "dm1", 0xc5c7dab3, 0x7d37618e }, { "dm2", 0x65f63634, 0x7b337440 }, { "dm3", 0x15e20df8, 0x912781ae }, { "dm4", 0x9c6fe4bf, 0xc374df89 }, { "dm5", 0xb02d48fd, 0x77ca7ce5 }, { "dm6", 0x5208da2b, 0x200c8b5d }, { "end", 0xbbd4b4a5, 0xf89b12ae }, // this is the version with the extra room { NULL, 0, 0 }, }; int Com_TranslateMapChecksum (const char *mapname, unsigned int checksum) { csentry_t *p; // Com_Printf ("Map checksum (%s): 0x%x\n", mapname, checksum); for (p = table; p->mapname; p++) if (!strcmp(p->mapname, mapname)) { if (checksum == p->gpl) return p->original; else return checksum; } return checksum; } quint32 QWClientPrivate::mapChecksum(const QString &mapName) { // Check if this is an original map, if it is we have the checksum table ready quint32 checksum = 0; checksum = QWTables::getOriginalMapChecksum(mapName); if(checksum) return checksum; char* mapdata; quint64 maplen; if(!readFile(mapName, &mapdata, &maplen)) return 0; if(!maplen || !mapdata) return 0; dheader_t* header; uchar* mod_base; header = (dheader_t*)mapdata; mod_base = (uchar*)mapdata; for(int i = 0; i < HEADER_LUMPS; ++i) { if(i == LUMP_ENTITIES || i == LUMP_VISIBILITY || i == LUMP_LEAFS || i == LUMP_NODES) continue; checksum ^= blockCheckSum(mod_base + header->lumps[i].fileofs, header->lumps[i].filelen); } delete[] mapdata; QString cleanMapName; cleanMapName = mapName.section('/', -1); cleanMapName.chop(4); //strip .bsp return Com_TranslateMapChecksum(cleanMapName.toLatin1().data(), checksum); } unsigned QWClientPrivate::blockCheckSum(void* buffer, int len) { QByteArray digest = QCryptographicHash::hash(QByteArray((const char*)buffer, len), QCryptographicHash::Md4); int *d = (int*)digest.data(); return (d[0] ^ d[1] ^ d[2] ^ d[3]); } void QWClientPrivate::writeByte(QDataStream *stream, const quint8 b) { *stream << b; } void QWClientPrivate::writeLong(QDataStream *stream, const quint32 l) { *stream << l; } void QWClientPrivate::writeShort(QDataStream *stream, const quint16 s) { *stream << s; } void QWClientPrivate::writeString(QDataStream *stream, const QString &str) { stream->writeRawData(str.toLatin1().data(), str.size()+1); } //======================================================================== // NAME FUN char QWClientPrivate::ourReadableCharsTable[256] = { '.', '_' , '_' , '_' , '_' , '.' , '_' , '_' , '_' , '_' , '\n' , '_' , '\n' , '>' , '.' , '.', '[', ']', '0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', '.', '_', '_', '_' }; bool QWClientPrivate::ourReadableCharsTableInitialized = false; void QWClientPrivate::fillReadableCharsTable() { int i; for(i = 32; i < 127; i++) ourReadableCharsTable[i] = ourReadableCharsTable[128 + i] = i; ourReadableCharsTable[127] = ourReadableCharsTable[128 + 127] = '_'; for(i = 0; i < 32; i++) ourReadableCharsTable[128 + i] = ourReadableCharsTable[i]; ourReadableCharsTable[128] = '_'; ourReadableCharsTable[10 + 128] = '_'; ourReadableCharsTable[12 + 128] = '_'; ourReadableCharsTableInitialized = true; } void QWClientPrivate::stripColor(char* string) { /* Parse simple quake red text and special chars */ if(!ourReadableCharsTableInitialized) fillReadableCharsTable(); while(*string) { *string = ourReadableCharsTable[(unsigned char)*string] & 127; string++; } }