123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339 |
- # ----- Utility Functions -----
- def scope(path)
- File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), path)
- end
- # ----- Default: Testing ------
- task :default => :test
- require 'rake/testtask'
- Rake::TestTask.new do |t|
- t.libs << 'test'
- test_files = FileList[scope('test/**/*_test.rb')]
- test_files.exclude(scope('test/rails/*'))
- test_files.exclude(scope('test/plugins/*'))
- t.test_files = test_files
- t.verbose = true
- end
- # ----- Packaging -----
- # Don't use Rake::GemPackageTast because we want prerequisites to run
- # before we load the gemspec.
- desc "Build all the packages."
- task :package => [:revision_file, :submodules, :permissions] do
- version = get_version
- File.open(scope('VERSION'), 'w') {|f| f.puts(version)}
- load scope('sass.gemspec')
- Gem::Builder.new(SASS_GEMSPEC).build
- sh %{git checkout VERSION}
- pkg = "#{SASS_GEMSPEC.name}-#{SASS_GEMSPEC.version}"
- mkdir_p "pkg"
- verbose(true) {mv "#{pkg}.gem", "pkg/#{pkg}.gem"}
- sh %{rm -f pkg/#{pkg}.tar.gz}
- verbose(false) {SASS_GEMSPEC.files.each {|f| sh %{tar rf pkg/#{pkg}.tar #{f}}}}
- sh %{gzip pkg/#{pkg}.tar}
- end
- task :permissions do
- sh %{chmod -R a+rx bin}
- sh %{chmod -R a+r .}
- require 'shellwords'
- Dir.glob('test/**/*_test.rb') do |file|
- next if file =~ %r{^test/haml/spec/}
- sh %{chmod a+rx #{file}}
- end
- end
- task :revision_file do
- require scope('lib/sass')
- release = Rake.application.top_level_tasks.include?('release') || File.exist?(scope('EDGE_GEM_VERSION'))
- if Sass.version[:rev] && !release
- File.open(scope('REVISION'), 'w') { |f| f.puts Sass.version[:rev] }
- elsif release
- File.open(scope('REVISION'), 'w') { |f| f.puts "(release)" }
- else
- File.open(scope('REVISION'), 'w') { |f| f.puts "(unknown)" }
- end
- end
- # We also need to get rid of this file after packaging.
- at_exit { File.delete(scope('REVISION')) rescue nil }
- desc "Install Sass as a gem. Use SUDO=1 to install with sudo."
- task :install => [:package] do
- gem = RUBY_PLATFORM =~ /java/ ? 'jgem' : 'gem'
- sh %{#{'sudo ' if ENV["SUDO"]}#{gem} install --no-ri pkg/sass-#{get_version}}
- end
- desc "Release a new Sass package to Rubyforge."
- task :release => [:check_release, :package] do
- name = File.read(scope("VERSION_NAME")).strip
- version = File.read(scope("VERSION")).strip
- sh %{rubyforge add_release sass sass "#{name} (v#{version})" pkg/sass-#{version}.gem}
- sh %{rubyforge add_file sass sass "#{name} (v#{version})" pkg/sass-#{version}.tar.gz}
- sh %{gem push pkg/sass-#{version}.gem}
- end
- # Ensures that the VERSION file has been updated for a new release.
- task :check_release do
- version = File.read(scope("VERSION")).strip
- raise "There have been changes since current version (#{version})" if changed_since?(version)
- raise "VERSION_NAME must not be 'Bleeding Edge'" if File.read(scope("VERSION_NAME")) == "Bleeding Edge"
- end
- # Reads a password from the command line.
- #
- # @param name [String] The prompt to use to read the password
- def read_password(prompt)
- require 'readline'
- system "stty -echo"
- Readline.readline("#{prompt}: ").strip
- ensure
- system "stty echo"
- puts
- end
- # Returns whether or not the repository, or specific files,
- # has/have changed since a given revision.
- #
- # @param rev [String] The revision to check against
- # @param files [Array<String>] The files to check.
- # If this is empty, checks the entire repository
- def changed_since?(rev, *files)
- IO.popen("git diff --exit-code #{rev} #{files.join(' ')}") {}
- return !$?.success?
- end
- task :submodules do
- if File.exist?(File.dirname(__FILE__) + "/.git")
- sh %{git submodule sync}
- sh %{git submodule update --init}
- elsif !File.exist?(File.dirname(__FILE__) + "/vendor/listen/lib")
- warn <<WARN
- WARNING: vendor/listen doesn't exist, and this isn't a git repository so
- I can't get it automatically!
- end
- end
- task :release_edge do
- ensure_git_cleanup do
- puts "#{'=' * 50} Running rake release_edge"
- sh %{git checkout master}
- sh %{git reset --hard origin/master}
- sh %{rake package}
- version = get_version
- sh %{rubyforge add_release sass sass "Bleeding Edge (v#{version})" pkg/sass-#{version}.gem}
- sh %{gem push pkg/sass-#{version}.gem}
- end
- end
- # Get the version string. If this is being installed from Git,
- # this includes the proper prerelease version.
- def get_version
- written_version = File.read(scope('VERSION').strip)
- return written_version unless File.exist?(scope('.git'))
- # Get the current master branch version
- version = written_version.split('.')
- version.map! {|n| n =~ /^[0-9]+$/ ? n.to_i : n}
- return written_version unless version.size == 5 && version[3] == "alpha" # prerelease
- return written_version if (commit_count = `git log --pretty=oneline HEAD ^stable | wc -l`).empty?
- version[4] = commit_count.strip
- version.join('.')
- end
- task :watch_for_update do
- sh %{ruby extra/update_watch.rb}
- end
- # ----- Documentation -----
- task :rdoc do
- puts '=' * 100, <<END, '=' * 100
- Sass uses the YARD documentation system (http://github.com/lsegal/yard).
- Install the yard gem and then run "rake doc".
- end
- begin
- require 'yard'
- namespace :doc do
- task :sass do
- require scope('lib/sass')
- Dir[scope("yard/default/**/*.sass")].each do |sass|
- File.open(sass.gsub(/sass$/, 'css'), 'w') do |f|
- f.write(Sass::Engine.new(File.read(sass)).render)
- end
- end
- end
- desc "List all undocumented methods and classes."
- task :undocumented do
- opts = ENV["YARD_OPTS"] || ""
- ENV["YARD_OPTS"] = opts.dup + <<OPTS
- --list --query "
- object.docstring.blank? &&
- !(object.type == :method && object.is_alias?)"
- Rake::Task['yard'].execute
- end
- end
- YARD::Rake::YardocTask.new do |t|
- t.files = FileList.new(scope('lib/**/*.rb')) do |list|
- list.exclude('lib/sass/plugin/merb.rb')
- list.exclude('lib/sass/plugin/rails.rb')
- list.exclude('lib/sass/less.rb')
- end.to_a
- t.options << '--incremental' if Rake.application.top_level_tasks.include?('redoc')
- t.options += FileList.new(scope('yard/*.rb')).to_a.map {|f| ['-e', f]}.flatten
- files = FileList.new(scope('doc-src/*')).to_a.sort_by {|s| s.size} + %w[MIT-LICENSE VERSION]
- t.options << '--files' << files.join(',')
- t.options << '--template-path' << scope('yard')
- t.options << '--title' << ENV["YARD_TITLE"] if ENV["YARD_TITLE"]
- t.before = lambda do
- require 'shellwords'
- t.options.concat(Shellwords.shellwords(ENV["YARD_OPTS"]))
- end
- end
- end
- Rake::Task['yard'].prerequisites.insert(0, 'doc:sass')
- Rake::Task['yard'].instance_variable_set('@comment', nil)
- desc "Generate Documentation"
- task :doc => :yard
- task :redoc => :yard
- rescue LoadError
- desc "Generate Documentation"
- task :doc => :rdoc
- task :yard => :rdoc
- end
- task :pages do
- ensure_git_cleanup do
- puts "#{'=' * 50} Running rake pages"
- sh %{git checkout sass-pages}
- sh %{git reset --hard origin/sass-pages}
- Dir.chdir("/var/www/sass-pages") do
- sh %{git fetch origin}
- sh %{git checkout stable}
- sh %{git reset --hard origin/stable}
- sh %{git checkout sass-pages}
- sh %{git reset --hard origin/sass-pages}
- sh %{rake build --trace}
- sh %{mkdir -p tmp}
- sh %{touch tmp/restart.txt}
- end
- end
- end
- # ----- Coverage -----
- begin
- require 'rcov/rcovtask'
- Rcov::RcovTask.new do |t|
- t.test_files = FileList[scope('test/**/*_test.rb')]
- t.rcov_opts << '-x' << '"^\/"'
- t.rcov_opts << "--no-rcovrt"
- end
- t.verbose = true
- end
- rescue LoadError; end
- # ----- Profiling -----
- begin
- require 'ruby-prof'
- desc <<END
- Run a profile of sass.
- TIMES=n sets the number of runs. Defaults to 1000.
- FILE=str sets the file to profile. Defaults to 'complex'.
- OUTPUT=str sets the ruby-prof output format.
- Can be Flat, CallInfo, or Graph. Defaults to Flat. Defaults to Flat.
- task :profile do
- times = (ENV['TIMES'] || '1000').to_i
- file = ENV['FILE']
- require 'lib/sass'
- file = File.read(scope("test/sass/templates/#{file || 'complex'}.sass"))
- result = RubyProf.profile { times.times { Sass::Engine.new(file).render } }
- RubyProf.const_get("#{(ENV['OUTPUT'] || 'Flat').capitalize}Printer").new(result).print
- end
- rescue LoadError; end
- # ----- Handling Updates -----
- def email_on_error
- yield
- rescue Exception => e
- IO.popen("sendmail nex342@gmail.com", "w") do |sm|
- sm << "From: nex3@nex-3.com\n" <<
- "To: nex342@gmail.com\n" <<
- "Subject: Exception when running rake #{Rake.application.top_level_tasks.join(', ')}\n" <<
- e.message << "\n\n" <<
- e.backtrace.join("\n")
- end
- ensure
- raise e if e
- end
- def ensure_git_cleanup
- email_on_error {yield}
- ensure
- sh %{git reset --hard HEAD}
- sh %{git clean -xdf}
- sh %{git checkout master}
- end
- task :handle_update do
- email_on_error do
- unless ENV["REF"] =~ %r{^refs/heads/(master|stable|sass-pages)$}
- puts "#{'=' * 20} Ignoring rake handle_update REF=#{ENV["REF"].inspect}"
- next
- end
- branch = $1
- puts
- puts
- puts '=' * 150
- puts "Running rake handle_update REF=#{ENV["REF"].inspect}"
- sh %{git fetch origin}
- sh %{git checkout stable}
- sh %{git reset --hard origin/stable}
- sh %{git checkout master}
- sh %{git reset --hard origin/master}
- case branch
- when "master"
- sh %{rake release_edge --trace}
- when "stable", "sass-pages"
- sh %{rake pages --trace}
- end
- puts 'Done running handle_update'
- puts '=' * 150
- end
- end