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  1. = JSON implementation for Ruby {<img src="" />}[]
  2. == Description
  3. This is a implementation of the JSON specification according to RFC 4627
  4. . Starting from version 1.0.0 on there
  5. will be two variants available:
  6. * A pure ruby variant, that relies on the iconv and the stringscan
  7. extensions, which are both part of the ruby standard library.
  8. * The quite a bit faster C extension variant, which is in parts implemented
  9. in C and comes with its own unicode conversion functions and a parser
  10. generated by the ragel state machine compiler
  11. .
  12. Both variants of the JSON generator generate UTF-8 character sequences by
  13. default. If an :ascii_only option with a true value is given, they escape all
  14. non-ASCII and control characters with \uXXXX escape sequences, and support
  15. UTF-16 surrogate pairs in order to be able to generate the whole range of
  16. unicode code points.
  17. All strings, that are to be encoded as JSON strings, should be UTF-8 byte
  18. sequences on the Ruby side. To encode raw binary strings, that aren't UTF-8
  19. encoded, please use the to_json_raw_object method of String (which produces
  20. an object, that contains a byte array) and decode the result on the receiving
  21. endpoint.
  22. The JSON parsers can parse UTF-8, UTF-16BE, UTF-16LE, UTF-32BE, and UTF-32LE
  23. JSON documents under Ruby 1.8. Under Ruby 1.9 they take advantage of Ruby's
  24. M17n features and can parse all documents which have the correct
  25. String#encoding set. If a document string has ASCII-8BIT as an encoding the
  26. parser attempts to figure out which of the UTF encodings from above it is and
  27. trys to parse it.
  28. == Installation
  29. It's recommended to use the extension variant of JSON, because it's faster than
  30. the pure ruby variant. If you cannot build it on your system, you can settle
  31. for the latter.
  32. Just type into the command line as root:
  33. # rake install
  34. The above command will build the extensions and install them on your system.
  35. # rake install_pure
  36. or
  37. # ruby install.rb
  38. will just install the pure ruby implementation of JSON.
  39. If you use Rubygems you can type
  40. # gem install json
  41. instead, to install the newest JSON version.
  42. There is also a pure ruby json only variant of the gem, that can be installed
  43. with:
  44. # gem install json_pure
  45. == Compiling the extensions yourself
  46. If you want to build the extensions yourself you need rake:
  47. You can get it from rubyforge:
  49. or just type
  50. # gem install rake
  51. for the installation via rubygems.
  52. If you want to create the parser.c file from its parser.rl file or draw nice
  53. graphviz images of the state machines, you need ragel from:
  54. == Usage
  55. To use JSON you can
  56. require 'json'
  57. to load the installed variant (either the extension 'json' or the pure
  58. variant 'json_pure'). If you have installed the extension variant, you can
  59. pick either the extension variant or the pure variant by typing
  60. require 'json/ext'
  61. or
  62. require 'json/pure'
  63. Now you can parse a JSON document into a ruby data structure by calling
  64. JSON.parse(document)
  65. If you want to generate a JSON document from a ruby data structure call
  66. JSON.generate(data)
  67. You can also use the pretty_generate method (which formats the output more
  68. verbosely and nicely) or fast_generate (which doesn't do any of the security
  69. checks generate performs, e. g. nesting deepness checks).
  70. To create a valid JSON document you have to make sure, that the output is
  71. embedded in either a JSON array [] or a JSON object {}. The easiest way to do
  72. this, is by putting your values in a Ruby Array or Hash instance.
  73. There are also the JSON and JSON[] methods which use parse on a String or
  74. generate a JSON document from an array or hash:
  75. document = JSON 'test' => 23 # => "{\"test\":23}"
  76. document = JSON['test'] => 23 # => "{\"test\":23}"
  77. and
  78. data = JSON '{"test":23}' # => {"test"=>23}
  79. data = JSON['{"test":23}'] # => {"test"=>23}
  80. You can choose to load a set of common additions to ruby core's objects if
  81. you
  82. require 'json/add/core'
  83. After requiring this you can, e. g., serialise/deserialise Ruby ranges:
  84. JSON JSON(1..10) # => 1..10
  85. To find out how to add JSON support to other or your own classes, read the
  86. section "More Examples" below.
  87. To get the best compatibility to rails' JSON implementation, you can
  88. require 'json/add/rails'
  89. Both of the additions attempt to require 'json' (like above) first, if it has
  90. not been required yet.
  91. == More Examples
  92. To create a JSON document from a ruby data structure, you can call
  93. JSON.generate like that:
  94. json = JSON.generate [1, 2, {"a"=>3.141}, false, true, nil, 4..10]
  95. # => "[1,2,{\"a\":3.141},false,true,null,\"4..10\"]"
  96. To get back a ruby data structure from a JSON document, you have to call
  97. JSON.parse on it:
  98. JSON.parse json
  99. # => [1, 2, {"a"=>3.141}, false, true, nil, "4..10"]
  100. Note, that the range from the original data structure is a simple
  101. string now. The reason for this is, that JSON doesn't support ranges
  102. or arbitrary classes. In this case the json library falls back to call
  103. Object#to_json, which is the same as #to_s.to_json.
  104. It's possible to add JSON support serialization to arbitrary classes by
  105. simply implementing a more specialized version of the #to_json method, that
  106. should return a JSON object (a hash converted to JSON with #to_json) like
  107. this (don't forget the *a for all the arguments):
  108. class Range
  109. def to_json(*a)
  110. {
  111. 'json_class' =>, # = 'Range'
  112. 'data' => [ first, last, exclude_end? ]
  113. }.to_json(*a)
  114. end
  115. end
  116. The hash key 'json_class' is the class, that will be asked to deserialise the
  117. JSON representation later. In this case it's 'Range', but any namespace of
  118. the form 'A::B' or '::A::B' will do. All other keys are arbitrary and can be
  119. used to store the necessary data to configure the object to be deserialised.
  120. If a the key 'json_class' is found in a JSON object, the JSON parser checks
  121. if the given class responds to the json_create class method. If so, it is
  122. called with the JSON object converted to a Ruby hash. So a range can
  123. be deserialised by implementing Range.json_create like this:
  124. class Range
  125. def self.json_create(o)
  126. new(*o['data'])
  127. end
  128. end
  129. Now it possible to serialise/deserialise ranges as well:
  130. json = JSON.generate [1, 2, {"a"=>3.141}, false, true, nil, 4..10]
  131. # => "[1,2,{\"a\":3.141},false,true,null,{\"json_class\":\"Range\",\"data\":[4,10,false]}]"
  132. JSON.parse json
  133. # => [1, 2, {"a"=>3.141}, false, true, nil, 4..10]
  134. JSON.generate always creates the shortest possible string representation of a
  135. ruby data structure in one line. This is good for data storage or network
  136. protocols, but not so good for humans to read. Fortunately there's also
  137. JSON.pretty_generate (or JSON.pretty_generate) that creates a more readable
  138. output:
  139. puts JSON.pretty_generate([1, 2, {"a"=>3.141}, false, true, nil, 4..10])
  140. [
  141. 1,
  142. 2,
  143. {
  144. "a": 3.141
  145. },
  146. false,
  147. true,
  148. null,
  149. {
  150. "json_class": "Range",
  151. "data": [
  152. 4,
  153. 10,
  154. false
  155. ]
  156. }
  157. ]
  158. There are also the methods Kernel#j for generate, and Kernel#jj for
  159. pretty_generate output to the console, that work analogous to Core Ruby's p and
  160. the pp library's pp methods.
  161. The script tools/server.rb contains a small example if you want to test, how
  162. receiving a JSON object from a webrick server in your browser with the
  163. javasript prototype library works.
  164. == Speed Comparisons
  165. I have created some benchmark results (see the benchmarks/data-p4-3Ghz
  166. subdir of the package) for the JSON-parser to estimate the speed up in the C
  167. extension:
  168. Comparing times (call_time_mean):
  169. 1 ParserBenchmarkExt#parser 900 repeats:
  170. 553.922304770 ( real) -> 21.500x
  171. 0.001805307
  172. 2 ParserBenchmarkYAML#parser 1000 repeats:
  173. 224.513358139 ( real) -> 8.714x
  174. 0.004454078
  175. 3 ParserBenchmarkPure#parser 1000 repeats:
  176. 26.755020642 ( real) -> 1.038x
  177. 0.037376163
  178. 4 ParserBenchmarkRails#parser 1000 repeats:
  179. 25.763381731 ( real) -> 1.000x
  180. 0.038814780
  181. calls/sec ( time) -> speed covers
  182. secs/call
  183. In the table above 1 is JSON::Ext::Parser, 2 is YAML.load with YAML
  184. compatbile JSON document, 3 is is JSON::Pure::Parser, and 4 is
  185. ActiveSupport::JSON.decode. The ActiveSupport JSON-decoder converts the
  186. input first to YAML and then uses the YAML-parser, the conversion seems to
  187. slow it down so much that it is only as fast as the JSON::Pure::Parser!
  188. If you look at the benchmark data you can see that this is mostly caused by
  189. the frequent high outliers - the median of the Rails-parser runs is still
  190. overall smaller than the median of the JSON::Pure::Parser runs:
  191. Comparing times (call_time_median):
  192. 1 ParserBenchmarkExt#parser 900 repeats:
  193. 800.592479481 ( real) -> 26.936x
  194. 0.001249075
  195. 2 ParserBenchmarkYAML#parser 1000 repeats:
  196. 271.002390644 ( real) -> 9.118x
  197. 0.003690004
  198. 3 ParserBenchmarkRails#parser 1000 repeats:
  199. 30.227910865 ( real) -> 1.017x
  200. 0.033082008
  201. 4 ParserBenchmarkPure#parser 1000 repeats:
  202. 29.722384421 ( real) -> 1.000x
  203. 0.033644676
  204. calls/sec ( time) -> speed covers
  205. secs/call
  206. I have benchmarked the JSON-Generator as well. This generated a few more
  207. values, because there are different modes that also influence the achieved
  208. speed:
  209. Comparing times (call_time_mean):
  210. 1 GeneratorBenchmarkExt#generator_fast 1000 repeats:
  211. 547.354332608 ( real) -> 15.090x
  212. 0.001826970
  213. 2 GeneratorBenchmarkExt#generator_safe 1000 repeats:
  214. 443.968212317 ( real) -> 12.240x
  215. 0.002252414
  216. 3 GeneratorBenchmarkExt#generator_pretty 900 repeats:
  217. 375.104545883 ( real) -> 10.341x
  218. 0.002665923
  219. 4 GeneratorBenchmarkPure#generator_fast 1000 repeats:
  220. 49.978706968 ( real) -> 1.378x
  221. 0.020008521
  222. 5 GeneratorBenchmarkRails#generator 1000 repeats:
  223. 38.531868759 ( real) -> 1.062x
  224. 0.025952543
  225. 6 GeneratorBenchmarkPure#generator_safe 1000 repeats:
  226. 36.927649925 ( real) -> 1.018x 7 (>=3859)
  227. 0.027079979
  228. 7 GeneratorBenchmarkPure#generator_pretty 1000 repeats:
  229. 36.272134441 ( real) -> 1.000x 6 (>=3859)
  230. 0.027569373
  231. calls/sec ( time) -> speed covers
  232. secs/call
  233. In the table above 1-3 are JSON::Ext::Generator methods. 4, 6, and 7 are
  234. JSON::Pure::Generator methods and 5 is the Rails JSON generator. It is now a
  235. bit faster than the generator_safe and generator_pretty methods of the pure
  236. variant but slower than the others.
  237. To achieve the fastest JSON document output, you can use the fast_generate
  238. method. Beware, that this will disable the checking for circular Ruby data
  239. structures, which may cause JSON to go into an infinite loop.
  240. Here are the median comparisons for completeness' sake:
  241. Comparing times (call_time_median):
  242. 1 GeneratorBenchmarkExt#generator_fast 1000 repeats:
  243. 708.258020939 ( real) -> 16.547x
  244. 0.001411915
  245. 2 GeneratorBenchmarkExt#generator_safe 1000 repeats:
  246. 569.105020353 ( real) -> 13.296x
  247. 0.001757145
  248. 3 GeneratorBenchmarkExt#generator_pretty 900 repeats:
  249. 482.825371244 ( real) -> 11.280x
  250. 0.002071142
  251. 4 GeneratorBenchmarkPure#generator_fast 1000 repeats:
  252. 62.717626652 ( real) -> 1.465x
  253. 0.015944481
  254. 5 GeneratorBenchmarkRails#generator 1000 repeats:
  255. 43.965681162 ( real) -> 1.027x
  256. 0.022745013
  257. 6 GeneratorBenchmarkPure#generator_safe 1000 repeats:
  258. 43.929073409 ( real) -> 1.026x 7 (>=3859)
  259. 0.022763968
  260. 7 GeneratorBenchmarkPure#generator_pretty 1000 repeats:
  261. 42.802514491 ( real) -> 1.000x 6 (>=3859)
  262. 0.023363113
  263. calls/sec ( time) -> speed covers
  264. secs/call
  265. == Author
  266. Florian Frank <>
  267. == License
  268. Ruby License, see the COPYING file included in the source distribution. The
  269. Ruby License includes the GNU General Public License (GPL), Version 2, so see
  270. the file GPL as well.
  271. == Download
  272. The latest version of this library can be downloaded at
  273. *
  274. Online Documentation should be located at
  275. *