1. 2012-05-12 (1.7.3)
  2. * Work around Rubinius encoding issues using iconv for conversion instead.
  3. 2012-05-11 (1.7.2)
  4. * Fix some encoding issues, that cause problems for the pure and the
  5. extension variant in jruby 1.9 mode.
  6. 2012-04-28 (1.7.1)
  7. * Some small fixes for building
  8. 2012-04-28 (1.7.0)
  9. * Add JSON::GenericObject for method access to objects transmitted via JSON.
  10. 2012-04-27 (1.6.7)
  11. * Fix possible crash when trying to parse nil value.
  12. 2012-02-11 (1.6.6)
  13. * Propagate src encoding to values made from it (fixes 1.9 mode converting
  14. everything to ascii-8bit; harmless for 1.8 mode too) (Thomas E. Enebo
  15. <>), should fix
  17. * Fix Thx to Jason Hutchens.
  18. * Fix
  19. 2012-01-15 (1.6.5)
  20. * Vit Ondruch <> reported a bug that shows up when using
  21. optimisation under GCC 4.7. Thx to him, Bohuslav Kabrda
  22. <> and Yui NARUSE <> for debugging and
  23. developing a patch fix.
  24. 2011-12-24 (1.6.4)
  25. * Patches that improve speed on JRuby contributed by Charles Oliver Nutter
  26. <>.
  27. * Support object_class/array_class with duck typed hash/array.
  28. 2011-12-01 (1.6.3)
  29. * Let JSON.load('') return nil as well to make mysql text columns (default to
  30. '') work better for serialization.
  31. 2011-11-21 (1.6.2)
  32. * Add support for OpenStruct and BigDecimal.
  33. * Fix bug when parsing nil in quirks_mode.
  34. * Make JSON.dump and JSON.load methods better cooperate with Rails' serialize
  35. method. Just use: serialize :value, JSON
  36. * Fix bug with time serialization concerning nanoseconds. Thanks for the
  37. patch go to Josh Partlow (jpartlow@github).
  38. * Improve parsing speed for JSON numbers (integers and floats) in a similar way to
  39. what Evan Phoenix <> suggested in:
  41. 2011-09-18 (1.6.1)
  42. * Using -target 1.5 to force Java bits to compile with 1.5.
  43. 2011-09-12 (1.6.0)
  44. * Extract utilities (prettifier and GUI-editor) in its own gem json-utils.
  45. * Split json/add/core into different files for classes to be serialised.
  46. 2011-08-31 (1.5.4)
  47. * Fix memory leak when used from multiple JRuby. (Patch by
  48. jfirebaugh@github).
  49. * Apply patch by Eric Wong <> that fixes garbage collection problem
  50. reported in
  51. * Add :quirks_mode option to parser and generator.
  52. * Add support for Rational and Complex number additions via json/add/complex
  53. and json/add/rational requires.
  54. 2011-06-20 (1.5.3)
  55. * Alias State#configure method as State#merge to increase duck type synonymy with Hash.
  56. * Add as_json methods in json/add/core, so rails can create its json objects
  57. the new way.
  58. 2011-05-11 (1.5.2)
  59. * Apply documentation patch by Cory Monty <>.
  60. * Add gemspecs for json and json_pure.
  61. * Fix bug in jruby pretty printing.
  62. * Fix bug in object_class and array_class when inheriting from Hash or Array.
  63. 2011-01-24 (1.5.1)
  64. * Made rake-compiler build a fat binary gem. This should fix issue
  66. 2011-01-22 (1.5.0)
  67. * Included Java source codes for the Jruby extension made by Daniel Luz
  68. <>.
  69. * Output full exception message of deep_const_get to aid debugging.
  70. * Fixed an issue with ruby 1.9 Module#const_defined? method, that was
  71. reported by Riley Goodside.
  72. 2010-08-09 (1.4.6)
  73. * Fixed oversight reported in,
  74. always create a new object from the state prototype.
  75. * Made pure and ext api more similar again.
  76. 2010-08-07 (1.4.5)
  77. * Manage data structure nesting depth in state object during generation. This
  78. should reduce problems with to_json method definіtions that only have one
  79. argument.
  80. * Some fixes in the state objects and additional tests.
  81. 2010-08-06 (1.4.4)
  82. * Fixes build problem for rubinius under OS X,
  83. * Fixes crashes described in and
  85. 2010-05-05 (1.4.3)
  86. * Fixed some test assertions, from Ruby r27587 and r27590, patch by nobu.
  87. * Fixed issue reported by
  88. electronicwhisper@github. Thx!
  89. 2010-04-26 (1.4.2)
  90. * Applied patch from naruse Yui NARUSE <> to make building with
  91. Microsoft Visual C possible again.
  92. * Applied patch from devrandom <> in order to allow building of
  93. json_pure if extensiontask is not present.
  94. * Thanks to Dustin Schneider <>, who reported a memory
  95. leak, which is fixed in this release.
  96. * Applied 993f261ccb8f911d2ae57e9db48ec7acd0187283 patch from josh@github.
  97. 2010-04-25 (1.4.1)
  98. * Fix for a bug reported by Dan DeLeo <>, caused by T_FIXNUM
  99. being different on 32bit/64bit architectures.
  100. 2010-04-23 (1.4.0)
  101. * Major speed improvements and building with simplified
  102. directory/file-structure.
  103. * Extension should at least be comapatible with MRI, YARV and Rubinius.
  104. 2010-04-07 (1.2.4)
  105. * Triger const_missing callback to make Rails' dynamic class loading work.
  106. 2010-03-11 (1.2.3)
  107. * Added a State#[] method which returns an attribute's value in order to
  108. increase duck type compatibility to Hash.
  109. 2010-02-27 (1.2.2)
  110. * Made some changes to make the building of the parser/generator compatible
  111. to Rubinius.
  112. 2009-11-25 (1.2.1)
  113. * Added :symbolize_names option to Parser, which returns symbols instead of
  114. strings in object names/keys.
  115. 2009-10-01 (1.2.0)
  116. * fast_generate now raises an exeception for nan and infinite floats.
  117. * On Ruby 1.8 json supports parsing of UTF-8, UTF-16BE, UTF-16LE, UTF-32BE,
  118. and UTF-32LE JSON documents now. Under Ruby 1.9 the M17n conversion
  119. functions are used to convert from all supported encodings. ASCII-8BIT
  120. encoded strings are handled like all strings under Ruby 1.8 were.
  121. * Better documentation
  122. 2009-08-23 (1.1.9)
  123. * Added forgotten main doc file extra_rdoc_files.
  124. 2009-08-23 (1.1.8)
  125. * Applied a patch by OZAWA Sakuro <> to make json/pure
  126. work in environments that don't provide iconv.
  127. * Applied patch by okkez_ in order to fix Ruby Bug #1768:
  129. * Finally got around to avoid the rather paranoid escaping of ?/ characters
  130. in the generator's output. The parsers aren't affected by this change.
  131. Thanks to Rich Apodaca <> for the suggestion.
  132. 2009-06-29 (1.1.7)
  133. * Security Fix for JSON::Pure::Parser. A specially designed string could
  134. cause catastrophic backtracking in one of the parser's regular expressions
  135. in earlier 1.1.x versions. JSON::Ext::Parser isn't affected by this issue.
  136. Thanks to Bartosz Blimke <> for reporting this
  137. problem.
  138. * This release also uses a less strict ruby version requirement for the
  139. creation of the mswin32 native gem.
  140. 2009-05-10 (1.1.6)
  141. * No changes. І tested native linux gems in the last release and they don't
  142. play well with different ruby versions other than the one the gem was built
  143. with. This release is just to bump the version number in order to skip the
  144. native gem on rubyforge.
  145. 2009-05-10 (1.1.5)
  146. * Started to build gems with rake-compiler gem.
  147. * Applied patch object/array class patch from Brian Candler
  148. <> and fixes.
  149. 2009-04-01 (1.1.4)
  150. * Fixed a bug in the creation of serialized generic rails objects reported by
  151. Friedrich Graeter <>.
  152. * Deleted tests/runner.rb, we're using testrb instead.
  153. * Editor supports Infinity in numbers now.
  154. * Made some changes in order to get the library to compile/run under Ruby
  155. 1.9.
  156. * Improved speed of the code path for the fast_generate method in the pure
  157. variant.
  158. 2008-07-10 (1.1.3)
  159. * Wesley Beary <> reported a bug in json/add/core's DateTime
  160. handling: If the nominator and denominator of the offset were divisible by
  161. each other Ruby's Rational#to_s returns them as an integer not a fraction
  162. with '/'. This caused a ZeroDivisionError during parsing.
  163. * Use Date#start and DateTime#start instead of sg method, while
  164. remaining backwards compatible.
  165. * Supports ragel >= 6.0 now.
  166. * Corrected some tests.
  167. * Some minor changes.
  168. 2007-11-27 (1.1.2)
  169. * Remember default dir (last used directory) in editor.
  170. * JSON::Editor.edit method added, the editor can now receive json texts from
  171. the clipboard via C-v.
  172. * Load json texts from an URL pasted via middle button press.
  173. * Added :create_additions option to Parser. This makes it possible to disable
  174. the creation of additions by force, in order to treat json texts as data
  175. while having additions loaded.
  176. * Jacob Maine <> reported, that JSON(:foo) outputs a JSON
  177. object if the rails addition is enabled, which is wrong. It now outputs a
  178. JSON string "foo" instead, like suggested by Jacob Maine.
  179. * Discovered a bug in the Ruby Bugs Tracker on rubyforge, that was reported
  180. by John Evans He could produce a crash in the JSON
  181. generator by returning something other than a String instance from a
  182. to_json method. I now guard against this by doing a rather crude type
  183. check, which raises an exception instead of crashing.
  184. 2007-07-06 (1.1.1)
  185. * Yui NARUSE <> sent some patches to fix tests for Ruby
  186. 1.9. I applied them and adapted some of them a bit to run both on 1.8 and
  187. 1.9.
  188. * Introduced a JSON.parse! method without depth checking for people who like
  189. danger.
  190. * Made generate and pretty_generate methods configurable by an options hash.
  191. * Added :allow_nan option to parser and generator in order to handle NaN,
  192. Infinity, and -Infinity correctly - if requested. Floats, which aren't numbers,
  193. aren't valid JSON according to RFC4627, so by default an exception will be
  194. raised if any of these symbols are encountered. Thanks to Andrea Censi
  195. <> for his hint about this.
  196. * Fixed some more tests for Ruby 1.9.
  197. * Implemented dump/load interface of Marshal as suggested in ruby-core:11405
  198. by murphy <>.
  199. * Implemented the max_nesting feature for generate methods, too.
  200. * Added some implementations for ruby core's custom objects for
  201. serialisation/deserialisation purposes.
  202. 2007-05-21 (1.1.0)
  203. * Implemented max_nesting feature for parser to avoid stack overflows for
  204. data from untrusted sources. If you trust the source, you can disable it
  205. with the option max_nesting => false.
  206. * Piers Cawley <> reported a bug, that not every
  207. character can be escaped by ?\ as required by RFC4627. There's a
  208. contradiction between David Crockford's JSON checker test vectors (in
  209. tests/fixtures) and RFC4627, though. I decided to stick to the RFC, because
  210. the JSON checker seems to be a bit older than the RFC.
  211. * Extended license to Ruby License, which includes the GPL.
  212. * Added keyboard shortcuts, and 'Open location' menu item to edit_json.rb.
  213. 2007-05-09 (1.0.4)
  214. * Applied a patch from Yui NARUSE <> to make JSON compile
  215. under Ruby 1.9. Thank you very much for mailing it to me!
  216. * Made binary variants of JSON fail early, instead of falling back to the
  217. pure version. This should avoid overshadowing of eventual problems while
  218. loading of the binary.
  219. 2007-03-24 (1.0.3)
  220. * Improved performance of pure variant a bit.
  221. * The ext variant of this release supports the mswin32 platform. Ugh!
  222. 2007-03-24 (1.0.2)
  223. * Ext Parser didn't parse 0e0 correctly into 0.0: Fixed!
  224. 2007-03-24 (1.0.1)
  225. * Forgot some object files in the build dir. I really like that - not!
  226. 2007-03-24 (1.0.0)
  227. * Added C implementations for the JSON generator and a ragel based JSON
  228. parser in C.
  229. * Much more tests, especially fixtures from
  230. * Further improved conformance to RFC4627.
  231. 2007-02-09 (0.4.3)
  232. * Conform more to RFC4627 for JSON: This means JSON strings
  233. now always must contain exactly one object "{ ... }" or array "[ ... ]" in
  234. order to be parsed without raising an exception. The definition of what
  235. constitutes a whitespace is narrower in JSON than in Ruby ([ \t\r\n]), and
  236. there are differences in floats and integers (no octals or hexadecimals) as
  237. well.
  238. * Added aliases generate and pretty_generate of unparse and pretty_unparse.
  239. * Fixed a test case.
  240. * Catch an Iconv::InvalidEncoding exception, that seems to occur on some Sun
  241. boxes with SunOS 5.8, if iconv doesn't support utf16 conversions. This was
  242. reported by Andrew R Jackson <>, thanks a bunch!
  243. 2006-08-25 (0.4.2)
  244. * Fixed a bug in handling solidi (/-characters), that was reported by
  245. Kevin Gilpin <>.
  246. 2006-02-06 (0.4.1)
  247. * Fixed a bug related to escaping with backslashes. Thanks for the report go
  248. to Florian Munz <>.
  249. 2005-09-23 (0.4.0)
  250. * Initial Rubyforge Version