global_navigation.feature 939 B

  1. Feature: Global Navigation
  2. Background:
  3. Given a configuration of:
  4. """
  5. ActiveAdmin.register Post
  6. """
  7. Given I am logged in
  8. And 10 posts exist
  9. Scenario: Viewing the current section in the global navigation
  10. Given I am on the index page for posts
  11. Then the "Posts" tab should be selected
  12. Scenario: Viewing the current section in the global navigation when on new page
  13. Given I am on the index page for posts
  14. And I follow "New Post"
  15. Then the "Posts" tab should be selected
  16. Scenario: Viewing the current section in the global navigation when on show page
  17. Given I am on the index page for posts
  18. And I follow "View"
  19. Then the "Posts" tab should be selected
  20. Scenario: Viewing the current section in the global navigation when on edit page
  21. Given I am on the index page for posts
  22. And I follow "View"
  23. And I follow "Edit Post"
  24. Then the "Posts" tab should be selected