production.rb 2.8 KB

  1. Nooo::Application.configure do
  2. # Settings specified here will take precedence over those in config/application.rb
  3. config.serve_static_assets = true
  4. # Code is not reloaded between requests
  5. config.cache_classes = true
  6. # Full error reports are disabled and caching is turned on
  7. config.consider_all_requests_local = false
  8. config.action_controller.perform_caching = true
  9. # Disable Rails's static asset server (Apache or nginx will already do this)
  10. config.serve_static_assets = false
  11. # Compress JavaScripts and CSS
  12. config.assets.compress = true
  13. # Don't fallback to assets pipeline if a precompiled asset is missed
  14. config.assets.compile = false
  15. # Generate digests for assets URLs
  16. config.assets.digest = true
  17. config.action_mailer.delivery_method = :sendmail
  18. # Don't care if the mailer can't send (false), to care set to true.
  19. config.action_mailer.raise_delivery_errors = true
  20. config.action_mailer.default_url_options = { :host => '' }
  21. # Defaults to nil and saved in location specified by config.assets.prefix
  22. # config.assets.manifest = YOUR_PATH
  23. # Specifies the header that your server uses for sending files
  24. # config.action_dispatch.x_sendfile_header = "X-Sendfile" # for apache
  25. # config.action_dispatch.x_sendfile_header = 'X-Accel-Redirect' # for nginx
  26. # Force all access to the app over SSL, use Strict-Transport-Security, and use secure cookies.
  27. # config.force_ssl = true
  28. # See everything in the log (default is :info)
  29. # config.log_level = :debug
  30. # Prepend all log lines with the following tags
  31. # config.log_tags = [ :subdomain, :uuid ]
  32. # Use a different logger for distributed setups
  33. # config.logger =
  34. # Use a different cache store in production
  35. # config.cache_store = :mem_cache_store
  36. # Enable serving of images, stylesheets, and JavaScripts from an asset server
  37. # config.action_controller.asset_host = ""
  38. # Precompile additional assets (application.js, application.css, and all non-JS/CSS are already added)
  39. # config.assets.precompile += %w( search.js )
  40. config.assets.precompile += %w[active_admin.css active_admin.js]
  41. # Disable delivery errors, bad email addresses will be ignored
  42. # config.action_mailer.raise_delivery_errors = false
  43. #config.action_mailer.delivery_method = :sendmail
  44. # Enable threaded mode
  45. # config.threadsafe!
  46. # Enable locale fallbacks for I18n (makes lookups for any locale fall back to
  47. # the I18n.default_locale when a translation can not be found)
  48. config.i18n.fallbacks = true
  49. # Send deprecation notices to registered listeners
  50. config.active_support.deprecation = :notify
  51. # Log the query plan for queries taking more than this (works
  52. # with SQLite, MySQL, and PostgreSQL)
  53. # config.active_record.auto_explain_threshold_in_seconds = 0.5
  54. end