bots.rb 876 B

  1. ActiveAdmin.register Bot do
  2. menu :priority => 4
  3. index do
  4. column :id
  5. column :botnick do |b|
  6. link_to b.botnick, "bots/" +
  7. end
  8. column :owner
  9. column :activate
  10. column :created_at
  11. column :updated_at
  12. default_actions
  13. end
  14. show :title => :botnick do
  15. attributes_table do
  16. row :id
  17. row :botnick
  18. row :owner
  19. row :activate
  20. row :created_at
  21. row :updated_at
  22. end
  23. panel "This Bot's Channels" do
  24. table_for(bot.channels) do
  25. column :name
  26. column :activate
  27. end
  28. end
  29. active_admin_comments
  30. end
  31. sidebar :help do
  32. ul do
  33. li "Owner: It is nice to read some contact infos like an email address in the owners field. To make life for spamcrawlers harder, use an obfuscation method for the address, like: foo {at] bar dot domain"
  34. end
  35. end
  36. end