rack-cache.gemspec 2.1 KB

  1. Gem::Specification.new do |s|
  2. s.specification_version = 2 if s.respond_to? :specification_version=
  3. s.required_rubygems_version = Gem::Requirement.new(">= 0") if s.respond_to? :required_rubygems_version=
  4. s.name = 'rack-cache'
  5. s.version = '1.2'
  6. s.date = '2012-03-05'
  7. s.summary = "HTTP Caching for Rack"
  8. s.description = "Rack::Cache is suitable as a quick drop-in component to enable HTTP caching for Rack-based applications that produce freshness (Expires, Cache-Control) and/or validation (Last-Modified, ETag) information."
  9. s.authors = ["Ryan Tomayko"]
  10. s.email = "r@tomayko.com"
  11. # = MANIFEST =
  12. s.files = %w[
  15. Gemfile
  16. README
  17. Rakefile
  18. TODO
  19. doc/configuration.markdown
  20. doc/faq.markdown
  21. doc/index.markdown
  22. doc/layout.html.erb
  23. doc/license.markdown
  24. doc/rack-cache.css
  25. doc/server.ru
  26. doc/storage.markdown
  27. example/sinatra/app.rb
  28. example/sinatra/views/index.erb
  29. lib/rack-cache.rb
  30. lib/rack/cache.rb
  31. lib/rack/cache/appengine.rb
  32. lib/rack/cache/cachecontrol.rb
  33. lib/rack/cache/context.rb
  34. lib/rack/cache/entitystore.rb
  35. lib/rack/cache/key.rb
  36. lib/rack/cache/metastore.rb
  37. lib/rack/cache/options.rb
  38. lib/rack/cache/request.rb
  39. lib/rack/cache/response.rb
  40. lib/rack/cache/storage.rb
  41. rack-cache.gemspec
  42. test/cache_test.rb
  43. test/cachecontrol_test.rb
  44. test/context_test.rb
  45. test/entitystore_test.rb
  46. test/key_test.rb
  47. test/metastore_test.rb
  48. test/options_test.rb
  49. test/pony.jpg
  50. test/request_test.rb
  51. test/response_test.rb
  52. test/spec_setup.rb
  53. test/storage_test.rb
  54. ]
  55. # = MANIFEST =
  56. s.test_files = s.files.select {|path| path =~ /^test\/.*_test.rb/}
  57. s.extra_rdoc_files = %w[README COPYING TODO CHANGES]
  58. s.add_dependency 'rack', '>= 0.4'
  59. s.add_development_dependency 'bacon'
  60. s.add_development_dependency 'memcached'
  61. s.add_development_dependency 'dalli'
  62. s.has_rdoc = true
  63. s.homepage = "http://tomayko.com/src/rack-cache/"
  64. s.rdoc_options = ["--line-numbers", "--inline-source", "--title", "Rack::Cache", "--main", "Rack::Cache"]
  65. s.require_paths = %w[lib]
  66. s.rubygems_version = '1.1.1'
  67. end