1. = Installing FasterCSV
  2. RubyGems is the preferred easy install method for FasterCSV. However, you can
  3. install FasterCSV manually as described below.
  4. == Installing the Gem
  5. FasterCSV is intended to be installed via the
  6. RubyGems[] system. To get the latest
  7. version, simply enter the following into your command prompt:
  8. $ sudo gem install fastercsv
  9. You must have RubyGems[] installed for
  10. the above to work.
  11. If you want to build the gem locally, make sure you have
  12. Rake[] installed then run the following
  13. command:
  14. $ rake package
  15. == Running the Tests
  16. If you would like to run FasterCSV's test suite on your system before installing
  17. and you have Rake installed, just issue the following command from the root of
  18. the project directory:
  19. $ rake
  20. If you do not have rake, use the following command instead:
  21. $ ruby -I lib:test test/ts_all.rb