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- Feature: Global Navigation
- Background:
- Given a configuration of:
- """
- ActiveAdmin.register Post
- """
- Given I am logged in
- And 10 posts exist
- Scenario: Viewing the current section in the global navigation
- Given I am on the index page for posts
- Then the "Posts" tab should be selected
- Scenario: Viewing the current section in the global navigation when on new page
- Given I am on the index page for posts
- And I follow "New Post"
- Then the "Posts" tab should be selected
- Scenario: Viewing the current section in the global navigation when on show page
- Given I am on the index page for posts
- And I follow "View"
- Then the "Posts" tab should be selected
- Scenario: Viewing the current section in the global navigation when on edit page
- Given I am on the index page for posts
- And I follow "View"
- And I follow "Edit Post"
- Then the "Posts" tab should be selected