require 'tilt/template' module Tilt # Discount Markdown implementation. See: # # # RDiscount is a simple text filter. It does not support +scope+ or # +locals+. The +:smart+ and +:filter_html+ options may be set true # to enable those flags on the underlying RDiscount object. class RDiscountTemplate < Template self.default_mime_type = 'text/html' ALIAS = { :escape_html => :filter_html, :smartypants => :smart } FLAGS = [:smart, :filter_html, :smartypants, :escape_html] def flags { |flag| options[flag] }.map { |flag| ALIAS[flag] || flag } end def self.engine_initialized? defined? ::RDiscount end def initialize_engine require_template_library 'rdiscount' end def prepare @engine =, *flags) @output = nil end def evaluate(scope, locals, &block) @output ||= @engine.to_html end end # Upskirt Markdown implementation. See: # # # Supports both Redcarpet 1.x and 2.x class RedcarpetTemplate < Template def self.engine_initialized? defined? ::Redcarpet end def initialize_engine require_template_library 'redcarpet' end def prepare klass = [Redcarpet1, Redcarpet2].detect { |e| e.engine_initialized? } @engine =, line, options) { data } end def evaluate(scope, locals, &block) @engine.evaluate(scope, locals, &block) end # Compatibility mode for Redcarpet 1.x class Redcarpet1 < RDiscountTemplate self.default_mime_type = 'text/html' def self.engine_initialized? defined? ::RedcarpetCompat end def prepare @engine =, *flags) @output = nil end end # Future proof mode for Redcarpet 2.x (not yet released) class Redcarpet2 < Template self.default_mime_type = 'text/html' def self.engine_initialized? defined? ::Redcarpet::Render end def generate_renderer renderer = options.delete(:renderer) || Redcarpet::Render::HTML return renderer unless options.delete(:smartypants) return renderer if renderer <= Redcarpet::Render::SmartyPants if renderer == Redcarpet::Render::XHTML => true) elsif renderer == Redcarpet::Render::HTML Redcarpet::Render::SmartyHTML elsif renderer.is_a? Class { include Redcarpet::Render::SmartyPants } else renderer.extend Redcarpet::Render::SmartyPants end end def prepare # try to support the same aliases RDiscountTemplate::ALIAS.each do |opt, aka| next if options.key? opt or not options.key? aka options[opt] = options.delete(aka) end # only raise an exception if someone is trying to enable :escape_html options.delete(:escape_html) unless options[:escape_html] @engine =, options) @output = nil end def evaluate(scope, locals, &block) @output ||= @engine.render(data) end end end # BlueCloth Markdown implementation. See: # class BlueClothTemplate < Template self.default_mime_type = 'text/html' def self.engine_initialized? defined? ::BlueCloth end def initialize_engine require_template_library 'bluecloth' end def prepare @engine =, options) @output = nil end def evaluate(scope, locals, &block) @output ||= @engine.to_html end end # Maruku markdown implementation. See: # class MarukuTemplate < Template def self.engine_initialized? defined? ::Maruku end def initialize_engine require_template_library 'maruku' end def prepare @engine =, options) @output = nil end def evaluate(scope, locals, &block) @output ||= @engine.to_html end end # Kramdown Markdown implementation. See: # class KramdownTemplate < Template DUMB_QUOTES = [39, 39, 34, 34] def self.engine_initialized? defined? ::Kramdown end def initialize_engine require_template_library 'kramdown' end def prepare options[:smart_quotes] = DUMB_QUOTES unless options[:smartypants] @engine =, options) @output = nil end def evaluate(scope, locals, &block) @output ||= @engine.to_html end end end