require 'set' module Sass # The lexical environment for SassScript. # This keeps track of variable, mixin, and function definitions. # # A new environment is created for each level of Sass nesting. # This allows variables to be lexically scoped. # The new environment refers to the environment in the upper scope, # so it has access to variables defined in enclosing scopes, # but new variables are defined locally. # # Environment also keeps track of the {Engine} options # so that they can be made available to {Sass::Script::Functions}. class Environment # The enclosing environment, # or nil if this is the global environment. # # @return [Environment] attr_reader :parent attr_writer :options # @param parent [Environment] See \{#parent} def initialize(parent = nil) @parent = parent unless parent @stack = [] @mixins_in_use = @files_in_use = end end # The options hash. # See { the Sass options documentation}. # # @return [{Symbol => Object}] def options @options || parent_options || {} end # Push a new stack frame onto the mixin/include stack. # # @param frame_info [{Symbol => Object}] # Frame information has the following keys: # # `:filename` # : The name of the file in which the lexical scope changed. # # `:mixin` # : The name of the mixin in which the lexical scope changed, # or `nil` if it wasn't within in a mixin. # # `:line` # : The line of the file on which the lexical scope changed. Never nil. def push_frame(frame_info) top_of_stack = stack.last if top_of_stack && top_of_stack.delete(:prepared) top_of_stack.merge!(frame_info) else stack.push(top_of_stack = frame_info) end mixins_in_use << top_of_stack[:mixin] if top_of_stack[:mixin] files_in_use << top_of_stack[:filename] if top_of_stack[:filename] end # Like \{#push\_frame}, but next time a stack frame is pushed, # it will be merged with this frame. # # @param frame_info [{Symbol => Object}] Same as for \{#push\_frame}. def prepare_frame(frame_info) push_frame(frame_info.merge(:prepared => true)) end # Pop a stack frame from the mixin/include stack. def pop_frame pop_and_unuse if stack.last && stack.last[:prepared] pop_and_unuse end # A list of stack frames in the mixin/include stack. # The last element in the list is the most deeply-nested frame. # # @return [Array<{Symbol => Object}>] The stack frames, # of the form passed to \{#push\_frame}. def stack @stack ||= @parent.stack end # A set of names of mixins currently present in the stack. # # @return [Set] The mixin names. def mixins_in_use @mixins_in_use ||= @parent.mixins_in_use end # A set of names of files currently present in the stack. # # @return [Set] The filenames. def files_in_use @files_in_use ||= @parent.files_in_use end def stack_trace trace = [] stack.reverse.each_with_index do |entry, i| msg = "#{i == 0 ? "on" : "from"} line #{entry[:line]}" msg << " of #{entry[:filename] || "an unknown file"}" msg << ", in `#{entry[:mixin]}'" if entry[:mixin] trace << msg end trace end private def pop_and_unuse popped = stack.pop mixins_in_use.delete(popped[:mixin]) if popped && popped[:mixin] files_in_use.delete(popped[:filename]) if popped && popped[:filename] popped end def parent_options @parent_options ||= @parent && @parent.options end class << self private UNDERSCORE, DASH = '_', '-' # Note: when updating this, # update sass/yard/inherited_hash.rb as well. def inherited_hash(name) class_eval <