module Sass # A lightweight infrastructure for defining and running callbacks. # Callbacks are defined using \{#define\_callback\} at the class level, # and called using `run_#{name}` at the instance level. # # Clients can add callbacks by calling the generated `on_#{name}` method, # and passing in a block that's run when the callback is activated. # # @example Define a callback # class Munger # extend Sass::Callbacks # define_callback :string_munged # # def munge(str) # res = str.gsub(/[a-z]/, '\1\1') # run_string_munged str, res # res # end # end # # @example Use a callback # m = # m.on_string_munged {|str, res| puts "#{str} was munged into #{res}!"} # m.munge "bar" #=> bar was munged into bbaarr! module Callbacks # Automatically includes {InstanceMethods} # when something extends this module. # # @param base [Module] def self.extended(base) base.send(:include, InstanceMethods) end protected module InstanceMethods # Removes all callbacks registered against this object. def clear_callbacks! @_sass_callbacks = {} end end # Define a callback with the given name. # This will define an `on_#{name}` method # that registers a block, # and a `run_#{name}` method that runs that block # (optionall with some arguments). # # @param name [Symbol] The name of the callback # @return [void] def define_callback(name) class_eval <