## # A constant class RDoc::Constant < RDoc::CodeObject ## # If this constant is an alias for a module or class, # this is the RDoc::ClassModule it is an alias for. # +nil+ otherwise. attr_accessor :is_alias_for ## # The constant's name attr_accessor :name ## # The constant's value attr_accessor :value ## # Creates a new constant with +name+, +value+ and +comment+ def initialize(name, value, comment) super() @name = name @value = value @is_alias_for = nil self.comment = comment end ## # Constants are ordered by name def <=> other return unless self.class === other [parent_name, name] <=> [other.parent_name, other.name] end ## # Constants are equal when their #parent and #name is the same def == other self.class == other.class and @parent == other.parent and @name == other.name end ## # A constant is documented if it has a comment, or is an alias # for a documented class or module. def documented? super or is_alias_for && is_alias_for.documented? end def inspect # :nodoc: "#<%s:0x%x %s::%s>" % [ self.class, object_id, parent_name, @name, ] end ## # Path to this constant def path "#{@parent.path}##{@name}" end def to_s # :nodoc: parent_name = parent ? parent.full_name : '(unknown)' if is_alias_for "constant #{parent_name}::#@name -> #{is_alias_for}" else "constant #{parent_name}::#@name" end end end