$:.unshift File.expand_path 'lib' require 'rdoc' require 'hoe' ENV['BENCHMARK'] = 'yes' task :docs => :generate task :test => :generate PARSER_FILES = %w[ lib/rdoc/rd/block_parser.rb lib/rdoc/rd/inline_parser.rb ] Hoe.plugin :git Hoe.plugin :minitest Hoe.plugin :rdoc_tags $rdoc_rakefile = true hoe = Hoe.spec 'rdoc' do developer 'Eric Hodel', 'drbrain@segment7.net' developer 'Dave Thomas', '' developer 'Phil Hagelberg', 'technomancy@gmail.com' developer 'Tony Strauss', 'tony.strauss@designingpatterns.com' self.rsync_args = '-avz' rdoc_locations << 'docs.seattlerb.org:/data/www/docs.seattlerb.org/rdoc/' rdoc_locations << 'drbrain@rubyforge.org:/var/www/gforge-projects/rdoc/' spec_extras[:post_install_message] = <<-MESSAGE Depending on your version of ruby, you may need to install ruby rdoc/ri data: <= 1.8.6 : unsupported = 1.8.7 : gem install rdoc-data; rdoc-data --install = 1.9.1 : gem install rdoc-data; rdoc-data --install >= 1.9.2 : nothing to do! Yay! MESSAGE self.readme_file = 'README.rdoc' self.history_file = 'History.rdoc' self.testlib = :minitest self.extra_rdoc_files += %w[ DEVELOPERS.rdoc History.rdoc LICENSE.rdoc LEGAL.rdoc README.rdoc RI.rdoc TODO.rdoc ] self.clean_globs += PARSER_FILES require_ruby_version '>= 1.8.7' extra_deps << ['json', '~> 1.4'] extra_dev_deps << ['racc', '~> 1.4'] extra_dev_deps << ['minitest', '~> 2'] extra_dev_deps << ['ZenTest', '~> 4'] extra_rdoc_files << 'Rakefile' spec_extras['required_rubygems_version'] = '>= 1.3' spec_extras['homepage'] = 'http://docs.seattlerb.org/rdoc' end task :generate => PARSER_FILES rule '.rb' => '.ry' do |t| racc = Gem.bin_path 'racc', 'racc' ruby "-rubygems #{racc} -l -o #{t.name} #{t.source}" end path = "pkg/#{hoe.spec.full_name}" package_parser_files = PARSER_FILES.map do |parser_file| package_parser_file = "#{path}/#{parser_file}" file package_parser_file => parser_file # ensure copy runs before racc package_parser_file end task "#{path}.gem" => package_parser_files # These tasks expect to have the following directory structure: # # git/git.rubini.us/code # Rubinius git HEAD checkout # svn/ruby/trunk # ruby subversion HEAD checkout # svn/rdoc/trunk # RDoc subversion HEAD checkout # # If you don't have this directory structure, set RUBY_PATH and/or # RUBINIUS_PATH. diff_options = "-urpN --exclude '*svn*' --exclude '*swp' --exclude '*rbc'" rsync_options = "-avP --exclude '*svn*' --exclude '*swp' --exclude '*rbc' --exclude '*.rej' --exclude '*.orig'" rubinius_dir = ENV['RUBINIUS_PATH'] || '../../../git/git.rubini.us/code' ruby_dir = ENV['RUBY_PATH'] || '../../svn/ruby/trunk' desc "Updates Ruby HEAD with the currently checked-out copy of RDoc." task :update_ruby do sh "rsync #{rsync_options} bin/rdoc #{ruby_dir}/bin/rdoc" sh "rsync #{rsync_options} bin/ri #{ruby_dir}/bin/ri" sh "rsync #{rsync_options} lib/ #{ruby_dir}/lib" sh "rsync #{rsync_options} test/ #{ruby_dir}/test/rdoc" end desc "Diffs Ruby HEAD with the currently checked-out copy of RDoc." task :diff_ruby do options = "-urpN --exclude '*svn*' --exclude '*swp' --exclude '*rbc'" sh "diff #{diff_options} bin/rdoc #{ruby_dir}/bin/rdoc; true" sh "diff #{diff_options} bin/ri #{ruby_dir}/bin/ri; true" sh "diff #{diff_options} lib/rdoc.rb #{ruby_dir}/lib/rdoc.rb; true" sh "diff #{diff_options} lib/rdoc #{ruby_dir}/lib/rdoc; true" sh "diff #{diff_options} test #{ruby_dir}/test/rdoc; true" end desc "Updates Rubinius HEAD with the currently checked-out copy of RDoc." task :update_rubinius do sh "rsync #{rsync_options} bin/rdoc #{rubinius_dir}/lib/bin/rdoc.rb" sh "rsync #{rsync_options} bin/ri #{rubinius_dir}/lib/bin/ri.rb" sh "rsync #{rsync_options} lib/ #{rubinius_dir}/lib" sh "rsync #{rsync_options} test/ #{rubinius_dir}/test/rdoc" end desc "Diffs Rubinius HEAD with the currently checked-out copy of RDoc." task :diff_rubinius do sh "diff #{diff_options} bin/rdoc #{rubinius_dir}/lib/bin/rdoc.rb; true" sh "diff #{diff_options} bin/ri #{rubinius_dir}/lib/bin/ri.rb; true" sh "diff #{diff_options} lib/rdoc.rb #{rubinius_dir}/lib/rdoc.rb; true" sh "diff #{diff_options} lib/rdoc #{rubinius_dir}/lib/rdoc; true" sh "diff #{diff_options} test #{rubinius_dir}/test/rdoc; true" end