require "uri" require "rack" require "rack/mock_session" require "rack/test/cookie_jar" require "rack/test/mock_digest_request" require "rack/test/utils" require "rack/test/methods" require "rack/test/uploaded_file" module Rack module Test VERSION = "0.6.1" DEFAULT_HOST = "" MULTIPART_BOUNDARY = "----------XnJLe9ZIbbGUYtzPQJ16u1" # The common base class for exceptions raised by Rack::Test class Error < StandardError; end # This class represents a series of requests issued to a Rack app, sharing # a single cookie jar # # Rack::Test::Session's methods are most often called through Rack::Test::Methods, # which will automatically build a session when it's first used. class Session extend Forwardable include Rack::Test::Utils def_delegators :@rack_mock_session, :clear_cookies, :set_cookie, :last_response, :last_request # Creates a Rack::Test::Session for a given Rack app or Rack::MockSession. # # Note: Generally, you won't need to initialize a Rack::Test::Session directly. # Instead, you should include Rack::Test::Methods into your testing context. # (See README.rdoc for an example) def initialize(mock_session) @headers = {} if mock_session.is_a?(MockSession) @rack_mock_session = mock_session else @rack_mock_session = end @default_host = @rack_mock_session.default_host end # Issue a GET request for the given URI with the given params and Rack # environment. Stores the issues request object in #last_request and # the app's response in #last_response. Yield #last_response to a block # if given. # # Example: # get "/" def get(uri, params = {}, env = {}, &block) env = env_for(uri, env.merge(:method => "GET", :params => params)) process_request(uri, env, &block) end # Issue a POST request for the given URI. See #get # # Example: # post "/signup", "name" => "Bryan" def post(uri, params = {}, env = {}, &block) env = env_for(uri, env.merge(:method => "POST", :params => params)) process_request(uri, env, &block) end # Issue a PUT request for the given URI. See #get # # Example: # put "/" def put(uri, params = {}, env = {}, &block) env = env_for(uri, env.merge(:method => "PUT", :params => params)) process_request(uri, env, &block) end # Issue a DELETE request for the given URI. See #get # # Example: # delete "/" def delete(uri, params = {}, env = {}, &block) env = env_for(uri, env.merge(:method => "DELETE", :params => params)) process_request(uri, env, &block) end # Issue an OPTIONS request for the given URI. See #get # # Example: # options "/" def options(uri, params = {}, env = {}, &block) env = env_for(uri, env.merge(:method => "OPTIONS", :params => params)) process_request(uri, env, &block) end # Issue a HEAD request for the given URI. See #get # # Example: # head "/" def head(uri, params = {}, env = {}, &block) env = env_for(uri, env.merge(:method => "HEAD", :params => params)) process_request(uri, env, &block) end # Issue a request to the Rack app for the given URI and optional Rack # environment. Stores the issues request object in #last_request and # the app's response in #last_response. Yield #last_response to a block # if given. # # Example: # request "/" def request(uri, env = {}, &block) env = env_for(uri, env) process_request(uri, env, &block) end # Set a header to be included on all subsequent requests through the # session. Use a value of nil to remove a previously configured header. # # In accordance with the Rack spec, headers will be included in the Rack # environment hash in HTTP_USER_AGENT form. # # Example: # header "User-Agent", "Firefox" def header(name, value) if value.nil? @headers.delete(name) else @headers[name] = value end end # Set the username and password for HTTP Basic authorization, to be # included in subsequent requests in the HTTP_AUTHORIZATION header. # # Example: # basic_authorize "bryan", "secret" def basic_authorize(username, password) encoded_login = ["#{username}:#{password}"].pack("m*") header('Authorization', "Basic #{encoded_login}") end alias_method :authorize, :basic_authorize # Set the username and password for HTTP Digest authorization, to be # included in subsequent requests in the HTTP_AUTHORIZATION header. # # Example: # digest_authorize "bryan", "secret" def digest_authorize(username, password) @digest_username = username @digest_password = password end # Rack::Test will not follow any redirects automatically. This method # will follow the redirect returned (including setting the Referer header # on the new request) in the last response. If the last response was not # a redirect, an error will be raised. def follow_redirect! unless last_response.redirect? raise"Last response was not a redirect. Cannot follow_redirect!") end get(last_response["Location"], {}, { "HTTP_REFERER" => last_request.url }) end private def env_for(path, env) uri = URI.parse(path) uri.path = "/#{uri.path}" unless uri.path[0] == ?/ ||= @default_host env = default_env.merge(env) env["HTTP_HOST"] ||= [, uri.port].compact.join(":") env.update("HTTPS" => "on") if URI::HTTPS === uri env["HTTP_X_REQUESTED_WITH"] = "XMLHttpRequest" if env[:xhr] # TODO: Remove this after Rack 1.1 has been released. # Stringifying and upcasing methods has be commit upstream env["REQUEST_METHOD"] ||= env[:method] ? env[:method].to_s.upcase : "GET" if env["REQUEST_METHOD"] == "GET" params = env[:params] || {} params = parse_nested_query(params) if params.is_a?(String) params.update(parse_nested_query(uri.query)) uri.query = build_nested_query(params) elsif !env.has_key?(:input) env["CONTENT_TYPE"] ||= "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" if env[:params].is_a?(Hash) if data = build_multipart(env[:params]) env[:input] = data env["CONTENT_LENGTH"] ||= data.length.to_s env["CONTENT_TYPE"] = "multipart/form-data; boundary=#{MULTIPART_BOUNDARY}" else env[:input] = params_to_string(env[:params]) end else env[:input] = env[:params] end end env.delete(:params) if env.has_key?(:cookie) set_cookie(env.delete(:cookie), uri) end Rack::MockRequest.env_for(uri.to_s, env) end def process_request(uri, env) uri = URI.parse(uri) ||= @default_host @rack_mock_session.request(uri, env) if retry_with_digest_auth?(env) auth_env = env.merge({ "HTTP_AUTHORIZATION" => digest_auth_header, "rack-test.digest_auth_retry" => true }) auth_env.delete('rack.request') process_request(uri.path, auth_env) else yield last_response if block_given? last_response end end def digest_auth_header challenge = last_response["WWW-Authenticate"].split(" ", 2).last params = Rack::Auth::Digest::Params.parse(challenge) params.merge!({ "username" => @digest_username, "nc" => "00000001", "cnonce" => "nonsensenonce", "uri" => last_request.path_info, "method" => last_request.env["REQUEST_METHOD"], }) params["response"] = "Digest #{params}" end def retry_with_digest_auth?(env) last_response.status == 401 && digest_auth_configured? && !env["rack-test.digest_auth_retry"] end def digest_auth_configured? @digest_username end def default_env { "rack.test" => true, "REMOTE_ADDR" => "" }.merge(headers_for_env) end def headers_for_env converted_headers = {} @headers.each do |name, value| env_key = name.upcase.gsub("-", "_") env_key = "HTTP_" + env_key unless "CONTENT_TYPE" == env_key converted_headers[env_key] = value end converted_headers end def params_to_string(params) case params when Hash then build_nested_query(params) when nil then "" else params end end end def self.encoding_aware_strings? defined?(Encoding) && "".respond_to?(:encode) end end end