require "#{File.dirname(__FILE__)}/spec_setup" describe 'Rack::Cache::Response' do before do @now = Time.httpdate( @one_hour_ago = Time.httpdate(( - (60**2)).httpdate) @one_hour_later = Time.httpdate(( + (60**2)).httpdate) @res =, {'Date' => @now.httpdate}, []) end after do @now, @res, @one_hour_ago = nil end it 'marks Rack tuples with string typed statuses as cacheable' do @res ='200',{'Date' => @now.httpdate},[]) @res.headers['Expires'] = @one_hour_later.httpdate end it 'responds to #to_a with a Rack response tuple' do @res.should.respond_to :to_a @res.to_a.should.equal [200, {'Date' => @now.httpdate}, []] end describe '#cache_control' do it 'handles multiple name=value pairs' do @res.headers['Cache-Control'] = 'max-age=600, max-stale=300, min-fresh=570' @res.cache_control['max-age'].should.equal '600' @res.cache_control['max-stale'].should.equal '300' @res.cache_control['min-fresh'].should.equal '570' end it 'removes the header when given an empty hash' do @res.headers['Cache-Control'] = 'max-age=600, must-revalidate' @res.cache_control['max-age'].should.equal '600' @res.cache_control = {} @res.headers.should.not.include 'Cache-Control' end end describe '#validateable?' do it 'is true when Last-Modified header present' do @res =, {'Last-Modified' => @one_hour_ago.httpdate}, []) end it 'is true when ETag header present' do @res =, {'ETag' => '"12345"'}, []) end it 'is false when no validator is present' do @res =, {}, []) end end describe '#date' do it 'uses the Date header if present' do @res =, {'Date' => @one_hour_ago.httpdate}, []) @one_hour_ago end it 'uses the current time when no Date header present' do @res =, {}, []), 1 end it 'returns the correct date when the header is modified directly' do @res =, { 'Date' => @one_hour_ago.httpdate }, []) @one_hour_ago @res.headers['Date'] = @now.httpdate @now end end describe '#max_age' do it 'uses s-maxage cache control directive when present' do @res.headers['Cache-Control'] = 's-maxage=600, max-age=0' @res.max_age.should.equal 600 end it 'falls back to max-age when no s-maxage directive present' do @res.headers['Cache-Control'] = 'max-age=600' @res.max_age.should.equal 600 end it 'falls back to Expires when no max-age or s-maxage directive present' do @res.headers['Cache-Control'] = 'must-revalidate' @res.headers['Expires'] = @one_hour_later.httpdate @res.max_age.should.equal 60 ** 2 end it 'gives a #max_age of nil when no freshness information available' do end end describe '#private=' do it 'adds the private Cache-Control directive when set true' do @res.headers['Cache-Control'] = 'max-age=100' @res.private = true @res.headers['Cache-Control'].split(', ').sort. should.equal ['max-age=100', 'private'] end it 'removes the public Cache-Control directive' do @res.headers['Cache-Control'] = 'public, max-age=100' @res.private = true @res.headers['Cache-Control'].split(', ').sort. should.equal ['max-age=100', 'private'] end end describe '#expire!' do it 'sets the Age to be equal to the max-age' do @res.headers['Cache-Control'] = 'max-age=100' @res.expire! @res.headers['Age'].should.equal '100' end it 'sets the Age to be equal to the s-maxage when both max-age and s-maxage present' do @res.headers['Cache-Control'] = 'max-age=100, s-maxage=500' @res.expire! @res.headers['Age'].should.equal '500' end it 'does nothing when the response is already stale/expired' do @res.headers['Cache-Control'] = 'max-age=5, s-maxage=500' @res.headers['Age'] = '1000' @res.expire! @res.headers['Age'].should.equal '1000' end it 'does nothing when the response does not include freshness information' do @res.expire! @res.headers.should.not.include 'Age' end end describe '#ttl' do it 'is nil when no Expires or Cache-Control headers present' do end it 'uses the Expires header when no max-age is present' do @res.headers['Expires'] = ( + (60**2)).httpdate**2, 1) end it 'returns negative values when Expires is in part' do @res.headers['Expires'] = @one_hour_ago.httpdate < 0 end it 'uses the Cache-Control max-age value when present' do @res.headers['Cache-Control'] = 'max-age=60', 1) end end describe '#vary' do it 'is nil when no Vary header is present' do end it 'returns the literal value of the Vary header' do @res.headers['Vary'] = 'Foo Bar Baz' @res.vary.should.equal 'Foo Bar Baz' end it 'can be checked for existence using the #vary? method' do @res.should.respond_to :vary? @res.should.not.vary @res.headers['Vary'] = '*' @res.should.vary end end describe '#vary_header_names' do it 'returns an empty Array when no Vary header is present' do end it 'parses a single header name value' do @res.headers['Vary'] = 'Accept-Language' @res.vary_header_names.should.equal ['Accept-Language'] end it 'parses multiple header name values separated by spaces' do @res.headers['Vary'] = 'Accept-Language User-Agent X-Foo' @res.vary_header_names.should.equal \ ['Accept-Language', 'User-Agent', 'X-Foo'] end it 'parses multiple header name values separated by commas' do @res.headers['Vary'] = 'Accept-Language,User-Agent, X-Foo' @res.vary_header_names.should.equal \ ['Accept-Language', 'User-Agent', 'X-Foo'] end end end