require 'rack' # = HTTP Caching For Rack # # Rack::Cache is suitable as a quick, drop-in component to enable HTTP caching # for Rack-enabled applications that produce freshness (+Expires+, +Cache-Control+) # and/or validation (+Last-Modified+, +ETag+) information. # # * Standards-based (RFC 2616 compliance) # * Freshness/expiration based caching and validation # * Supports HTTP Vary # * Portable: 100% Ruby / works with any Rack-enabled framework # * Disk, memcached, and heap memory storage backends # # === Usage # # Create with default options: # require 'rack/cache' #, :verbose => true, :entitystore => 'file:cache') # # Within a rackup file (or with Rack::Builder): # require 'rack/cache' # use Rack::Cache do # set :verbose, true # set :metastore, 'memcached://localhost:11211/meta' # set :entitystore, 'file:/var/cache/rack' # end # run app module Rack::Cache autoload :Request, 'rack/cache/request' autoload :Response, 'rack/cache/response' autoload :Context, 'rack/cache/context' autoload :Storage, 'rack/cache/storage' autoload :CacheControl, 'rack/cache/cachecontrol' # Create a new Rack::Cache middleware component that fetches resources from # the specified backend application. The +options+ Hash can be used to # specify default configuration values (see attributes defined in # Rack::Cache::Options for possible key/values). When a block is given, it # is executed within the context of the newly create Rack::Cache::Context # object. def, options={}, &b), options, &b) end end