# Rackup config that serves the contents of Rack::Cache's # doc directory. The documentation is rebuilt on each request. # Rewrites URLs like conventional web server configs. class Rewriter < Struct.new(:app) def call(env) if env['PATH_INFO'] =~ /\/$/ env['PATH_INFO'] += 'index.html' elsif env['PATH_INFO'] !~ /\.\w+$/ env['PATH_INFO'] += '.html' end app.call(env) end end # Rebuilds documentation on each request. class DocBuilder < Struct.new(:app) def call(env) if env['PATH_INFO'] !~ /\.(css|js|gif|jpg|png|ico)$/ env['rack.errors'] << "*** rebuilding documentation (rake -s doc)\n" system "rake -s doc" end app.call(env) end end use Rack::CommonLogger use DocBuilder use Rewriter use Rack::Static, :root => File.dirname(__FILE__), :urls => ["/"] run(lambda{|env| [404,{},'

Not Found

']}) # vim: ft=ruby