### ### $Release: 2.7.0 $ ### copyright(c) 2006-2011 kuwata-lab.com all rights reserved. ### require 'yaml' require 'test/unit/testcase' def ruby18? # :nodoc: RUBY_VERSION =~ /\A1.8/ end def ruby19? # :nodoc: RUBY_VERSION =~ /\A1.9/ end def rubinius? # :nodoc: defined?(RUBY_ENGINE) && RUBY_ENGINE == "rbx" end class Test::Unit::TestCase def self.load_yaml_datafile(filename, options={}, &block) # :nodoc: # read datafile s = File.read(filename) if filename =~ /\.rb$/ s =~ /^__END__$/ or raise "*** error: __END__ is not found in '#{filename}'." s = $' end # untabify s = _untabify(s) unless options[:tabify] == false # load yaml document testdata_list = [] YAML.load_documents(s) do |ydoc| if ydoc.is_a?(Hash) testdata_list << ydoc elsif ydoc.is_a?(Array) ydoc.each do |hash| raise "testdata should be a mapping." unless hash.is_a?(Hash) testdata_list << hash end else raise "testdata should be a mapping." end end # data check identkey = options[:identkey] || 'name' table = {} testdata_list.each do |hash| ident = hash[identkey] ident or raise "*** key '#{identkey}' is required but not found." table[ident] and raise "*** #{identkey} '#{ident}' is duplicated." table[ident] = hash yield(hash) if block end # return testdata_list end def self.define_testmethods(testdata_list, options={}, &block) identkey = options[:identkey] || 'name' testmethod = options[:testmethod] || '_test' testdata_list.each do |hash| yield(hash) if block ident = hash[identkey] s = "def test_#{ident}\n" hash.each do |key, val| s << " @#{key} = #{val.inspect}\n" end s << " #{testmethod}\n" s << "end\n" $stderr.puts "*** load_yaml_testdata(): eval_str=<<'END'\n#{s}END" if $DEBUG self.module_eval s end end def self.post_definition if ENV['TEST'] target = "test_#{ENV['TEST']}" self.instance_methods.each do |method_name| m = method_name.to_s private m if m =~ /\Atest_/ && m != target end end end def self._untabify(str, width=8) return str if str.nil? list = str.split(/\t/, -1) # if 2nd arg is negative then split() doesn't remove tailing empty strings last = list.pop sb = '' list.each do |s| column = (n = s.rindex(?\n)) ? s.length - n - 1 : s.length n = width - (column % width) sb << s << (' ' * n) end sb << last if last return sb end end