= Builder 2.0.0 Released. == Changes in 2.0.0 * UTF-8 characters in data are now correctly translated to their XML equivalents. (Thanks to Sam Ruby) * Attribute values are now escaped by default. See the README file for details. NOTE: The escaping attribute values by default is different than in previous releases of Builder. This makes version 2.0.0 somewhat incompatible with the 1.x series of Builder. If you use "&", "<", or ">" in attributes values, you may have to change your code. (Essentially you remove the manual escaping. The new way is easier, believe me). == What is Builder? Builder::XmlMarkup is a library that allows easy programmatic creation of XML markup. For example: builder = Builder::XmlMarkup.new(:target=>STDOUT, :indent=>2) builder.person { |b| b.name("Jim"); b.phone("555-1234") } will generate: Jim 555-1234 == Availability The easiest way to get and install builder is via RubyGems ... gem install builder (you may need root/admin privileges) == Thanks * Sam Ruby for the XChar module and the related UTF-8 translation tools. * Also to Sam Ruby for gently persuading me to start quoting attribute values. -- Jim Weirich