Feature: Registering Pages Registering pages within Active Admin Background: Given I am logged in Scenario: Registering a page Given a configuration of: """ ActiveAdmin.register_page "Status" do content do "I love chocolate." end end """ When I go to the dashboard And I follow "Status" Then I should see the page title "Status" And I should see the Active Admin layout And I should see the content "I love chocolate." Scenario: Registering an empty page Given a configuration of: """ ActiveAdmin.register_page "Status" """ When I go to the dashboard And I follow "Status" Then I should see the page title "Status" And I should see the Active Admin layout Scenario: Adding a sidebar section to a page Given a configuration of: """ ActiveAdmin.register_page "Status" do sidebar :help do "Need help? Email us at help@example.com" end content do "I love chocolate." end end """ When I go to the dashboard And I follow "Status" Then I should see a sidebar titled "Help" Scenario: Adding an action item to a page Given a configuration of: """ ActiveAdmin.register_page "Status" do action_item do link_to "Visit", "/" end content do "I love chocolate." end end """ When I go to the dashboard And I follow "Status" Then I should see an action item link to "Visit"