Feature: Dashboard Background: Given I am logged in Scenario: With no configuration Given a configuration of: """ """ When I go to the dashboard Then I should see the default welcome message Scenario: Displaying a dashboard widget Given a configuration of: """ ActiveAdmin::Dashboards.build do section 'Hello World' do para "Hello world from the content" end end """ When I go to the dashboard Then I should not see the default welcome message And I should see a dashboard widget "Hello World" And I should see "Hello world from the content" Scenario: Displaying a dashboard widget using the ':if' option Given a configuration of: """ ActiveAdmin::Dashboards.build do section 'Hello World', :if => proc{ current_admin_user } do "Hello world from the content" end section 'Hidden by If', :if => proc{ false } do "Hello world from the content" end end """ When I go to the dashboard Then I should not see the default welcome message And I should see a dashboard widget "Hello World" And I should not see a dashboard widget "Hidden by If"