# Customize The Resource ## Rename the Resource By default, any references to the resource (menu, routes, buttons, etc) in the interface will use the name of the class. You can rename the resource by using the :as option. ActiveAdmin.register Post, :as => "Article" The resource will then be available as /admin/articles ## Customize the Namespace By default, resources live in the "admin" namespace. You can register resources in different namespaces: # Available at /today/posts ActiveAdmin.register Post, :namespace => "today" # Available at /posts ActiveAdmin.register Post, :namespace => false ## Customize the Menu The resource will be displayed in the global navigation by default. To disable the resource from being displayed in the global navigation, pass `false` to the `menu` method: ActiveAdmin.register Post do menu false end The menu method accepts a hash with the following options: * `:label` - The string label to display in the menu * `:parent` - The string label of the parent to set for this menu * `:if` - A block or a symbol of a method to call to decide if the menu item should be displayed * `:priority` - The integer value of the priority. Defaults to 10 ### Labels To change the name of the label in the menu: ActiveAdmin.register Post do menu :label => "My Posts" end By default the menu uses a pluralized version of your resource name. ### Drop Down Menus In many cases, a single level navigation will not be enough for the administration of a production application. In that case, you can categorize your resources and creating drop down menus to access them. To add the menu as a child of another menu: ActiveAdmin.register Post do menu :parent => "Blog" end Note, the "Blog" menu does not even have to exist yet. It will be generated on the fly as a drop down list for you. ### Menu Priority By default Active Admin sorts menus alphabetically. Some times you want specific resources to show up at the beginning or the end of your menu. Each menu item is given an integer priority value (default 10). You can set it to edit the location of the menu item. ActiveAdmin.register Post do menu :priority => 1 end This would ensure that the Post menu item, is at the beginning of the menu. ### Conditionally Showing / Hiding Menu Items Menu items can be shown or hidden at runtime using the `:if` option. ActiveAdmin.register Post do menu :if => proc{ current_admin_user.can_edit_posts? } end The `proc` will be called in the context of the view, so you have access to all your helpers and current user session information. ## Scoping the queries If your administrators have different access levels, you may sometimes want to scope what they have access to. Assuming your User model has the proper has_many relationships, you can simply scope the listings and finders like so: ActiveAdmin.register Post do scope_to :current_user # or if the association doesn't have the default name. # scope_to :current_user, :association_method => :blog_posts end That approach limits the posts an admin can access to ```current_user.posts```. If you want to do something fancier, for example override a default scope, you can also use :association_method parameter with a normal method on your User model. The only requirement is that your method returns an instance of ActiveRecord::Relation. class Ad < ActiveRecord::Base default_scope lambda { where :published => true } end class User < ActiveRecord::Base def managed_ads # Overrides Ad's default_scope Ad.unscoped end end ActiveAdmin.register Ad do scope_to :current_user, :association_method => :managed_ads end