require 'rack/utils' require 'thread' module Shotgun # Rack app that forks, loads the rackup config in the child process, # processes a single request, and exits. The response is communicated over # a unidirectional pipe. class Loader include Rack::Utils attr_reader :rackup_file def initialize(rackup_file, &block) @rackup_file = rackup_file @config = block || { } end def call(env)!(env) end def call!(env) @env = env @reader, @writer = IO.pipe Shotgun.before_fork! if @child = fork proceed_as_parent else Shotgun.after_fork! proceed_as_child end end ## # Stuff that happens in the parent process def proceed_as_parent @writer.close rand result, status, headers = Marshal.load(@reader) body =, @reader) case result when :ok [status, headers, body] when :error error, backtrace = status, headers body.close [ 500, {'Content-Type'=>'text/html;charset=utf-8'}, [format_error(error, backtrace)] ] else fail "unexpected response: #{result.inspect}" end end class Body <, :fd) def each while chunk = yield chunk end end def close fd.close ensure Process.wait(pid) end end def format_error(error, backtrace) "

Boot Error

" + "

Something went wrong while loading #{escape_html(rackup_file)}

" + "


" + "
" end ## # Stuff that happens in the child process def proceed_as_child boom = false @reader.close status, headers, body = Marshal.dump([:ok, status, headers.to_hash], @writer) spec_body(body).each { |chunk| @writer.write(chunk) } rescue Object => boom Marshal.dump([ :error, "#{}: #{boom.to_s}", boom.backtrace ], @writer) ensure @writer.close exit! boom ? 1 : 0 end def assemble_app config = @config inner_app = self.inner_app { instance_eval(&config) run inner_app }.to_app end def inner_app if rackup_file =~ /\.ru$/ config = eval " {( #{config}\n )}.to_app", nil, rackup_file else require File.expand_path(rackup_file) if defined? Sinatra::Application Sinatra::Application.set :reload, false Sinatra::Application.set :logging, false Sinatra::Application.set :raise_errors, true Sinatra::Application else Object.const_get(camel_case(File.basename(rackup_file, '.rb'))) end end end def camel_case(string) string.split("_").map { |part| part.capitalize }.join end def spec_body(body) if body.respond_to? :to_str [body] elsif body.respond_to?(:each) body else fail "body must respond to #each" end end end end