Changes since 1.0.4 (2011-04-08): * Add :join_type option to Builder to allow for using InnerJoin if desired (Stephen Pike) * Fix a memory leak in development mode (Bonias) Changes since 1.0.3 (2011-03-14): * Be sure not to override form_for options if super returns a non-true value, fixes a compatibility issue when using client_side_validation Changes since 1.0.1 (2011-01-18): * Include all non-boolean types in is_present and is_blank, to match documentation * Avoid setting alias to collection_check_boxes and check_boxes against the base. Fixes issues with SimpleForm compatibility. * Delegate page method to relation, for Kaminari support. * Don't check for existence of attributes if the table doesn't exist yet. Changes since 1.0.0 (2011-01-17): * Update polymorphic join support to play nicely with MetaWhere Changes since 0.9.11 (2011-01-06): * Doc updates only. Changes since 0.9.10 (2010-11-18): * Skip attempts to sort if someone passes an empty string to meta_sort * Allow conditions on search_methods, (attr|assoc)_(un)?searchable using :if. Option should be an object that responds to call and accepts the MetaSearch::Builder instance as a parameter. Unused options passed to the method will be available for your conditions to act on. * Access attribute setters if a param is supplied - @search.attr_name(val) behaves like @search.attr_name = val Changes since 0.9.9 (2010-11-15): * Fix bug introduced by new polymorphic belongs_to association code in honoring :url param to form_for * Support localization of predicate text in labels * Fix bug when accessing localizations for named search methods Changes since 0.9.8 (2010-10-20): * ARel 2.x and Rails 3.0.2 compatability * sort_link uses search_key from builder. Search_key defaults to "search" * sort_link will localize attribute names. * You can now create two scopes on your model named sort_by_something_asc and sort_by_something_desc, and sort_link will then allow you to specify :something as a parameter, then use your scope to perform custom sorting. Changes since 0.9.7 (2010-10-12): * Play nicely regardless of MetaWhere/MetaSearch load order. * Big fix - stop altering the supplied hash in Builder#build. Changes since 0.9.6 (2010-09-29): * Support _or_-separated conditions. I'm not crazy about 'em, but it's an oft-requested feature. * Support search on polymorphic belongs_to associations. Uses the same syntax users of Searchlogic are familiar with, association_classname_type. For example: commentable_article_type_contains * Join using left outer joins instead of inner joins. This lets you do some interesting things like search for all articles with no comments via comments_id_is_null. * No longer define method on the metaclass - stick to standard method_missing for both correctness and performance. Changes since 0.9.5 (2010-09-28): * Fix issue with formatters supplied as strings Changes since 0.9.4 (2010-09-18): * Rename check_boxes and collection_check_boxes to checks and collection_checks. Alias to the old names if not already taken. This is to avoid conflicts with SimpleForm. Changes since 0.9.3 (2010-09-08): * Minor documentation fixes. * Add sort_link helper to FormBuilder, to spare keystrokes if sort_links are being added inside the context of the form_for of the search. Changes since 0.9.2 (2010-08-25): * Update dependencies for Rails 3 final. Changes since 0.9.1 (2010-08-24): * Fix time column casts to account for current time zone. Changes since 0.9.0 (2010-08-24): * Fix the missing "2" in the Rails 3.0.0.rc2 dependency. Sorry! Changes since 0.5.4 (2010-07-28): * Fix equals Where against boolean columns * Add is_true/is_false for booleans, is_present/is_blank for other types * Add is_null/is_not_null for all types * Remove deprecated metasearch_exclude_attr and friends * delegate #size and #length to relation Changes since 0.5.3 (2010-07-26): * Add is_true/is_false for boolean columns * Add is_present and is_blank for string/numeric columns * Add is_null and is_not_null for all columns * Fix behavior of equals when used with boolean columns. Changes since 0.5.2 (2010-07-22): * Handle nested/namespaced form_for better. Formerly, you could use "form_for @search" in a view, but not "form_for [:admin, @search]" Changes since 0.5.1 (2010-07-20): * Fix fallback for failed cast via to_time or to_date * add :cast option for custom Wheres, allowing a where to override the default cast of the incoming parameters. Changes since 0.5.0 (2010-06-08): * Fix searching against relations derived from a has_many :through association