require 'i18n/version'
require 'i18n/exceptions'
require 'i18n/interpolate/ruby'
module I18n
autoload :Backend, 'i18n/backend'
autoload :Config, 'i18n/config'
autoload :Gettext, 'i18n/gettext'
autoload :Locale, 'i18n/locale'
autoload :Tests, 'i18n/tests'
RESERVED_KEYS = [:scope, :default, :separator, :resolve, :object, :fallback, :format, :cascade, :throw, :raise, :rescue_format]
class << self
# Gets I18n configuration object.
def config
Thread.current[:i18n_config] ||=
# Sets I18n configuration object.
def config=(value)
Thread.current[:i18n_config] = value
# Write methods which delegates to the configuration object
%w(locale backend default_locale available_locales default_separator
exception_handler load_path).each do |method|
module_eval <<-DELEGATORS, __FILE__, __LINE__ + 1
def #{method}
def #{method}=(value)
config.#{method} = (value)
# Tells the backend to reload translations. Used in situations like the
# Rails development environment. Backends can implement whatever strategy
# is useful.
def reload!
# Translates, pluralizes and interpolates a given key using a given locale,
# scope, and default, as well as interpolation values.
# Translation data is organized as a nested hash using the upper-level keys
# as namespaces. E.g., ActionView ships with the translation:
# :date => {:formats => {:short => "%b %d"}}.
# Translations can be looked up at any level of this hash using the key argument
# and the scope option. E.g., in this example I18n.t :date
# returns the whole translations hash {:formats => {:short => "%b %d"}}.
# Key can be either a single key or a dot-separated key (both Strings and Symbols
# work). E.g., the short format can be looked up using both:
# I18n.t 'date.formats.short'
# I18n.t :'date.formats.short'
# Scope can be either a single key, a dot-separated key or an array of keys
# or dot-separated keys. Keys and scopes can be combined freely. So these
# examples will all look up the same short date format:
# I18n.t 'date.formats.short'
# I18n.t 'formats.short', :scope => 'date'
# I18n.t 'short', :scope => 'date.formats'
# I18n.t 'short', :scope => %w(date formats)
# Translations can contain interpolation variables which will be replaced by
# values passed to #translate as part of the options hash, with the keys matching
# the interpolation variable names.
# E.g., with a translation :foo => "foo %{bar}" the option
# value for the key +bar+ will be interpolated into the translation:
# I18n.t :foo, :bar => 'baz' # => 'foo baz'
# Translation data can contain pluralized translations. Pluralized translations
# are arrays of singluar/plural versions of translations like ['Foo', 'Foos'].
# Note that I18n::Backend::Simple only supports an algorithm for English
# pluralization rules. Other algorithms can be supported by custom backends.
# This returns the singular version of a pluralized translation:
# I18n.t :foo, :count => 1 # => 'Foo'
# These both return the plural version of a pluralized translation:
# I18n.t :foo, :count => 0 # => 'Foos'
# I18n.t :foo, :count => 2 # => 'Foos'
# The :count option can be used both for pluralization and interpolation.
# E.g., with the translation
# :foo => ['%{count} foo', '%{count} foos'], count will
# be interpolated to the pluralized translation:
# I18n.t :foo, :count => 1 # => '1 foo'
# This returns the translation for :foo or default if no translation was found:
# I18n.t :foo, :default => 'default'
# This returns the translation for :foo or the translation for :bar if no
# translation for :foo was found:
# I18n.t :foo, :default => :bar
# Returns the translation for :foo or the translation for :bar
# or default if no translations for :foo and :bar were found.
# I18n.t :foo, :default => [:bar, 'default']
# This returns an array with the translations for :foo and :bar.
# I18n.t [:foo, :bar]
# Can be used with dot-separated nested keys:
# I18n.t [:'', :'']
# Which is the same as using a scope option:
# I18n.t [:foo, :bar], :scope => :baz
# Both translations and defaults can be given as Ruby lambdas. Lambdas will be
# called and passed the key and options.
# E.g. assuming the key :salutation resolves to:
# lambda { |key, options| options[:gender] == 'm' ? "Mr. %{options[:name]}" : "Mrs. %{options[:name]}" }
# Then I18n.t(:salutation, :gender => 'w', :name => 'Smith') will result in "Mrs. Smith".
# It is recommended to use/implement lambdas in an "idempotent" way. E.g. when
# a cache layer is put in front of I18n.translate it will generate a cache key
# from the argument values passed to #translate. Therefor your lambdas should
# always return the same translations/values per unique combination of argument
# values.
def translate(*args)
options = args.last.is_a?(Hash) ? args.pop : {}
key = args.shift
backend = config.backend
locale = options.delete(:locale) || config.locale
handling = options.delete(:throw) && :throw || options.delete(:raise) && :raise # TODO deprecate :raise
raise I18n::ArgumentError if key.is_a?(String) && key.empty?
result = catch(:exception) do
if key.is_a?(Array) { |k| backend.translate(locale, k, options) }
backend.translate(locale, key, options)
result.is_a?(MissingTranslation) ? handle_exception(handling, result, locale, key, options) : result
alias :t :translate
def translate!(key, options={})
translate(key, options.merge(:raise => true))
alias :t! :translate!
# Transliterates UTF-8 characters to ASCII. By default this method will
# transliterate only Latin strings to an ASCII approximation:
# I18n.transliterate("Ærøskøbing")
# # => "AEroskobing"
# I18n.transliterate("日本語")
# # => "???"
# It's also possible to add support for per-locale transliterations. I18n
# expects transliteration rules to be stored at
# i18n.transliterate.rule.
# Transliteration rules can either be a Hash or a Proc. Procs must accept a
# single string argument. Hash rules inherit the default transliteration
# rules, while Procs do not.
# *Examples*
# Setting a Hash in .yml:
# i18n:
# transliterate:
# rule:
# ü: "ue"
# ö: "oe"
# Setting a Hash using Ruby:
# store_translations(:de, :i18n => {
# :transliterate => {
# :rule => {
# "ü" => "ue",
# "ö" => "oe"
# }
# }
# )
# Setting a Proc:
# translit = lambda {|string| MyTransliterator.transliterate(string) }
# store_translations(:xx, :i18n => {:transliterate => {:rule => translit})
# Transliterating strings:
# I18n.locale = :en
# I18n.transliterate("Jürgen") # => "Jurgen"
# I18n.locale = :de
# I18n.transliterate("Jürgen") # => "Juergen"
# I18n.transliterate("Jürgen", :locale => :en) # => "Jurgen"
# I18n.transliterate("Jürgen", :locale => :de) # => "Juergen"
def transliterate(*args)
options = args.pop if args.last.is_a?(Hash)
key = args.shift
locale = options && options.delete(:locale) || config.locale
raises = options && options.delete(:raise)
replacement = options && options.delete(:replacement)
config.backend.transliterate(locale, key, replacement)
rescue I18n::ArgumentError => exception
raise exception if raises
handle_exception(exception, locale, key, options)
# Localizes certain objects, such as dates and numbers to local formatting.
def localize(object, options = {})
locale = options.delete(:locale) || config.locale
format = options.delete(:format) || :default
config.backend.localize(locale, object, format, options)
alias :l :localize
# Executes block with given I18n.locale set.
def with_locale(tmp_locale = nil)
if tmp_locale
current_locale = self.locale
self.locale = tmp_locale
self.locale = current_locale if tmp_locale
# Merges the given locale, key and scope into a single array of keys.
# Splits keys that contain dots into multiple keys. Makes sure all
# keys are Symbols.
def normalize_keys(locale, key, scope, separator = nil)
separator ||= I18n.default_separator
keys = []
keys.concat normalize_key(locale, separator)
keys.concat normalize_key(scope, separator)
keys.concat normalize_key(key, separator)
# making these private until Ruby 1.9.2 can send to protected methods again
# see
# Any exceptions thrown in translate will be sent to the @@exception_handler
# which can be a Symbol, a Proc or any other Object unless they're forced to
# be raised or thrown (MissingTranslation).
# If exception_handler is a Symbol then it will simply be sent to I18n as
# a method call. A Proc will simply be called. In any other case the
# method #call will be called on the exception_handler object.
# Examples:
# I18n.exception_handler = :default_exception_handler # this is the default
# I18n.default_exception_handler(exception, locale, key, options) # will be called like this
# I18n.exception_handler = lambda { |*args| ... } # a lambda
#, locale, key, options) # will be called like this
# I18n.exception_handler = # an object
#, locale, key, options) # will be called like this
def handle_exception(handling, exception, locale, key, options)
case handling
when :raise
raise(exception.respond_to?(:to_exception) ? exception.to_exception : exception)
when :throw
throw :exception, exception
case handler = options[:exception_handler] || config.exception_handler
when Symbol
send(handler, exception, locale, key, options)
else, locale, key, options)
def normalize_key(key, separator)
normalized_key_cache[separator][key] ||=
case key
when Array { |k| normalize_key(k, separator) }.flatten
keys = key.to_s.split(separator)
keys.delete('')! { |k| k.to_sym }
def normalized_key_cache
@normalized_key_cache ||= { |h,k| h[k] = {} }
# DEPRECATED. Use I18n.normalize_keys instead.
def normalize_translation_keys(locale, key, scope, separator = nil)
puts "I18n.normalize_translation_keys is deprecated. Please use the class I18n.normalize_keys instead."
normalize_keys(locale, key, scope, separator)
# DEPRECATED. Please use the I18n::ExceptionHandler class instead.
def default_exception_handler(exception, locale, key, options)
puts "I18n.default_exception_handler is deprecated. Please use the class I18n::ExceptionHandler instead " +
"(an instance of which is set to I18n.exception_handler by default)."
exception.is_a?(MissingTranslation) ? exception.message : raise(exception)