do # Define your dashboard sections here. Each block will be # rendered on the dashboard in the context of the view. So just # return the content which you would like to display. # == Simple Dashboard Section # Here is an example of a simple dashboard section # section "Bots and Channels" do ul do @bots = Bot.all @bots.each do |bot| li bot.botnick ol do @channels = Channel.find_all_by_bot_id( @channels.each do |c| li end end end end end section "Frequencies and Bans" do ul do @frequencies = Frequency.all @frequencies.each do |f| li "Freq: " + + " on prefix: " + f.prefix + " (" + f.delay.to_s + " seconds delay)" ul do @bans = Ban.find_all_by_frequency_id( @bans.each do |b| li "Hostmask: " + b.hostmask + " Reason: " + b.reason + " (from " + b.valid_from.to_s + " to " + b.valid_to.to_s + ")" end end end end end # == Render Partial Section # The block is rendered within the context of the view, so you can # easily render a partial rather than build content in ruby. # # section "Recent Posts" do # div do # render 'recent_posts' # => this will render /app/views/admin/dashboard/_recent_posts.html.erb # end # end # == Section Ordering # The dashboard sections are ordered by a given priority from top left to # bottom right. The default priority is 10. By giving a section numerically lower # priority it will be sorted higher. For example: # # section "Recent Posts", :priority => 10 # section "Recent User", :priority => 1 # # Will render the "Recent Users" then the "Recent Posts" sections on the dashboard. # == Conditionally Display # Provide a method name or Proc object to conditionally render a section at run time. # # section "Membership Summary", :if => :memberships_enabled? # section "Membership Summary", :if => { current_admin_user.account.memberships.any? } end